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Autumn evening


This is the the first image I took with my new Power Shot G5 camera.

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This image was taken on my way home from the camerastore with my new

digital camera, supplementary work in Photoshop. Appreciate all your

comments and advice.

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It's a nice photo, but the water looks too altered in that it gets a lot brighter towards the trees and doesn't match the sky. It looks to me by the horizon line and that the angle of the light on the buildings does not correlate with the light on the buildings that the sky was added in Photoshop, that it was a plain gray sky before and that you tinkered with it.
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At the risk of angering the photoshoppers I don't think this photograph looks real. It does not look like the world I know and love.
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This is definitely a composite. Why do you 'photographers' haven't got the 'guts' to say so in your comment? You can clearly see there is no mirror of the clouds in the water. It seems the sky has been pasted in later to create a much more dramatic scene then it really was at the time of this shot. There's also a lot of (much too obvious..) dodging and burning in this shot. I rate it average... sorry.
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The JPEG compression makes it difficult to ascertain for certain if this is, in fact a composite. After all, it may well have been taken on a planet in a solar sytem with more than one sun. If've seen quite a few around here.
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Well, first off I "LOVE" it. If its your first image, then you sure have a lot of more great ones to come. And I for one will be looking for them. As far as the "photoshop" goes. Almost every single top photographer on this site is a photoshop pro. Look at Ilona Wellmann, and all the others, they live in photoshop and their images are constantly rated as the top photos on the site. Well, you did include "supplementary work in Photoshop" in your own words....I'm not so sure why it is that people think you are "hiding" the fact that you've used photoshop...maybe they just have trouble reading sometimes. Oh well, photoshop or not, its a great and powerful subject and the composition is certainly top notch, so and A for effort and for aesthetics. You've done quite well.
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Bernt, how about posting an unmanipulated version just for comparision puposes? It definitely is a strange image with the light coming from different sources.
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Hmm, interesting comparison. You certainly have added an element of drama to a nice but somewhat ordinary scene. The lighting in the first image still confuses me (lighter and darker in areas that you wouldnt expect it), but the more I look at it the more I like it in a "graphic" sort of way.




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I'm probably not much of a critic, but except for the open sky, I think it's fantastic. I like the surreal quality of the lighting.
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My feelings are divided when I look at this image. I find myself at first intrigued and then fascinated by the mystery and color. But as I study it and acknowledge the obvious artificial qualities I soon dismiss it as fantasy. It has nothing that I find important in photography.

It becomes the painters version of photo-realism.


I look to photographs to see what others see - not what they would like to see. I want to see through the photographers eyes what I overlook and in the process of that study train my own eyes to look closer at the world in hopes that some day the less obvious unexpectedly pops out and I see it!


This is not an indictment of photoshop - a wonderful tool - but I sometimes see it as a layer between reality and the eye.

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Thanks for posting the original. I think that I like it better without the alterations, but I am sure there are others who prefer the altered state...
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