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© © 2016, John Crosley/Crosley Trust, All Rights Reserved, No reproduction or other use without express prior written permission from copyright holder

'Shhhhh . . . . '


Copyright 2016 © John Crosley/Crosley Trust, No reproduction or other use without express prior written permission from copyright holder. Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 (Windows)


© © 2016, John Crosley/Crosley Trust, All Rights Reserved, No reproduction or other use without express prior written permission from copyright holder

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The caption (title) just about says all for this photo taken on the Paris Metro. Your

ratings, critiques and observations are invited and most welcome. If you rate harshly,

very critically, or wish to make a remark, please submit a helpful and constructive

comment; please share your photographic knowledge to help improve my photography.

Thanks! Enjoy! john (Crosley)

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Best wishes to the land of the rising sun.


I live for seeing things like this and capturing them AND with good compositional features.  (I'll leave it to others to comment.)


And if you look at the guy, you know why I don't always believe in being clandestine.  




John (Crosley)

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Thanks for the compliment.  This has some age on it, and I passed it over some time ago for a technical issue, but just corrected that with new software.


As to the guy, he was just a little 'interested, and maybe the least bit startled' but not at all unhappy.  Most people, in fact the vast majority are NOT unhappy, but if they are, I bring them into confidence, and treat them as friends and confidants if I can get to them, share with them when able, and try to win them over, at which I'm pretty good.


There's some skills on 'street' which don't show in the photos -- the ability to get close to and among among people of all sorts without getting harmed or being castigated (but watch out behind you for the unexpected crazy person who takes offense that you're taking someone else's photo as an unwanted and unwelcome enforcer'.


Your eyes are always on the subject so the latter is always the most dangerous.


You can spot anyone who's potentially dangerous as you're watching carefully, being a trained observer, looking for 'the photo', but behind you, that's your vulnerability.


Best to both of you.




John (Crosley)


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Hi John- thanks for alerting us to the inherent dangers of street photography--I guess we'll just stay on the farm and leave that work to pros like you :)

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It is rare that I sell a photo, so the idea that I'm a 'pro' involves some interpretation.


I'd say step off the 'farm' and get out there and take photos 'in town', at the granary, of friends, at the sports field, at stores (but not trying to do so inside shopping centers as 'security' rules in those centers forbids it and the losers hired as security guards often have the least tact and are often overaggressive so just don't bother until you get it together), at restaurants while you dine, especially coffee shops and fast food restaurants, and of construction crews and people working 'on the job' where you can' and learn to deal with people.


You'll hear all sorts of objections why you shouldn't be taking someone's photos, but start with a long zoom telephoto such as Nikon's 55-300 zoom and you can take a portrait that shows face fuzz from about a convention floor away -- on a crop sensor camera it has an effective range of a 450 mm lens on a full frame or film camera.  Once you've used that to get in close for the strangers, use your wiles and friendships to get in close -- say at little league games.


People will say "I'm not photogenic' and you say, 'that's what you think' but I don't want models from an agency, 'I want real people, like yourself doing real things not something someone cooked up on Madison Avenue or in some big city.


Tell them you are shooting now a little more 'fresh' to the art but you have big ambitions and you need their help by putting up with you, then shoot fast, make your adjustments fast and GET OUT OF THE WAY, or work with friends who will give you the time to make your adjustments.  In other words, don't be a bother.


With police, fire, etc., learn to get out of the way, but you have a right to photograph so long as 'lines' are not thrown up -- it's maybe a citizen's duty to do  so, even if they don't like it (e.g., Ferguson, MO), no matter what the circumstance.


I cut my teeth on a ferry boat (first roll) and within weeks was covering demonstrations (friendly) and within a couple of months, riots and the student takeover of my university.


Just be sure to separate yourself from those who would be seen to be troublemakers which doesn't mean 'stay away' but just don't go backslapping them, as inevitably police are watching beforehand.  Act professionally, and you'll end up quite safe, not only from others who make trouble but from the authoritiies.  Explain that you're a JOURNALIST and publish on a site called Photo.net where the world sees your photos -- even if you're just starting.


Act as if you know what you're doing, and pretty soon you will, and you'll ensure that others treat you with respect, and of course act respectfully towards all people and classes at all times, usually addressing people by MR. and Mrs. or MS. unless they say 'use my first name.  It engenders respect.


Read the 120 pages of comments (the part by me) in reply to my commenters under my portfolio -- there's a book-length tutorial on how to take candid photos of people and 'street' photos (and almost always with NO danger).  Then read the 19,000 (minus 100) comments under my photos for the same sort of info - distill it out and it's another book. 


You can learn more than that for free than reading any book you can buy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble or I think that has been published on how to approach people and how to behave to NOT get into trouble or have danger.


And stop worrying.


Go out and take wonderful photos.


I sometimes meet someone and within one or two minutes have my 12 millimeter lens within 5 inches of their nose firing away with their total agreement and approval, and theiy feel 'lucky' to be singled out by someone so professional with such professional gear (any gear is professional to the cameraphone crowd -- new or oold it it's weighty enough.


Act like a pro and you'll get respect like one, and you'll never (well not guaranteed, but no more than any citizen and maybe lesss) have any danger).  After all, you're constantly scanning as you look for photos to take and you can spot troublemakers, and with experience, you'll learn to spot them from a distance and just walk the other way or disregaard them as necessary.


There's a wonderful world of people photography, and it challenges the skills as people move around and your job is to catch them 'on the fly' in interesting situations and juxtapositions applying best geometry and/or composition.  It gets easier as you go.  You might have a look at my huge Presentation:  Photographers:  Watch Your Background' if you have not already.


Best wishes.  Be safe out there.


And get wonderful people photos.


It can bring unequaled pleasure.




John (Crosley)



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