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The Body


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I've got both images open on 'large' view to compare. They really make a great pair as 'before' and 'after' shots. The 'before' frame conveys a completely different ambience with anticipation hanging heavily in the air. Perhaps even excitement judging by the woman with the apple pinny, who is smiling away on the first shot.

Now that the body is here in front of them the atmosphere seems to have changed to one of shock and sobriety. The 'apple pinny lady' has gotten herself a strong vantage point and the smile has gone.

This photo documents one of those strong uncontrollable characteristics of human nature - morbid curiosity. Even at the expense of getting in the professionals way as they guide the trolley to the van. The girl with her bike so close, and I can't help wondering what impact this event had on an otherwise routine 'play in the street' day of those children. I wonder if they knew 'the body', and I question whether it would be more disturbing for them seeing the body wrapped in a bag with a covered face, or the uncovered face of the dead person. Body bags are so anonymous.

These two photos work very strongly together in sequence.

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Beautifully captured expressions reacting to the unfolding events. In combination with the other shot, the change of mood when faced with the reality of death is almost palpable.


My only minor crit is that pointing the camera down has distorted the house in the background (diverging verticals) which could be avoided by using a wider angle, keeping it horizontal and cropping the top, or easily corrected by perspective control in PS (or the difficult way by tilting the enlarging lens in the darkroom).


Anyway this is street photography at its best and most significant. ... Jonathan

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What a great picture! I'm not sure if that is in the Rifle Range or Mclarren BLVD. area, but this picture is amazing. Too bad that area hasn't changed and has just gone down hill.
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I'll have to dig out a real map to pinpoint the area, but it was the Rifle Range, which I believe is near McLaren Blvd. Meeting a friend from Saint John for lunch tomorrow....will ask him to clarify. (checked Google Earth, and whilst they have coverage of SJ, can't find McLaren Blvd!)

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