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Dalton Brothers Top Crop

Pierre Dumas

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Fine Art

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Psychiatric study of five madmen!

Last one about the same characterin many faces, I promise!

Thank you for your patient attention, dearfriends!


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I strongly agree with your statement about the monochrome version.  It definitely shows off the different nuances in the brothers' respective faces more effectively, without the colors to distract the viewer.  I was just wondering, though, whether any of them is related to Sam Bal or to the current mayor of New York City.


By the way, you may be interested in this - another photograph of the Dalton Brothers.


My best always,




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Don't know what to say Pierre. Its a remarkable work, encompassing many emotions. The three angry faces on the left seem at odds with the two more quizzical faces on the right. I think you should now post the antithesis of this, perhaps showing a more Jolly Pierre. But a wonderful exercise in composition ~ very well done  ~ How many poses did it take. Rgds. Rick

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Michael and Rick,


I consider both your comments a positive, even highly approving critique which I highly appreciate.


Rick, you ask how many poses did it take, well, at that session I was lucky to record a very high level of success in catching (first making) interesting poses. The thorough cleaning and selecting for making PSD files is the more difficult part!


Michael, I named the picture as I did miscounting the number of faces, IE I counted four faces, ha!


Thank you very much for your knowledgeable support of experts!


I think I must add this one which has a kind of depth and emphasizes the brothers togetherness:





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By looking at your face I am under the impression that you dislike all

the candidates running for the presidency of the United States in late




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Thank you, Sandy!


I have a very big head, no room for seven, ha!


Yes, Jim!




Thank you for your visit!


Don't worry, Rafael!


I won't vote neither of them, especially not your Mr Trump!


Thank you for your visit


Thank you, Patsy!


What else is new?







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My word, the gods are pissed off and they seem to be multiplying. This is even worse than an alien invasion; it's the attack of the angry hams! I'll put this one in my favorites box.
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Love it Pierre! !!  B/W is definitely the best! !!!  A true master of the surreal you are. Certainly a study in expressions and emotions.  AJ

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Thank you, Jack, AJ and Lee!


Jack, i will check your favorites page, ha! Seriously, it really means to me a lot!


We agree on all, AJ!


Lee, it really is and you gave me an idea!





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Thank you, Maria!




Consign I where I want, although don't know the meaning of the word!


Glad you like my consignment, Jamie!


Cheers to that



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This is the product of the idea I mentioned in my reply to Lee:




Leading to this final product:




Cheers to that!



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No, you were not, Hans!


But, in spite my friendly behavior and feelings the picture(s) here show that I have some bad characteristics inside!


Just a self exploration, my friend!


Thank you for your visit



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Pierre behind bars? No, absolutely not, and I prefer colors, it makes the image less scaring. I have always been afraid of angry men, but I don't think this one is as bad as he tries to pretend.

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Please make room for seven: 

Sneezy, Sleepy, Happy, Doc, Grumpy, Dopey, Bashful (I dare you)

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Thank you, Eystein and Kathy!


Eystein, he doesn't pretend, he IS bad!


Kathy, you want the seventh behind bars or...please describe what you wish and confirm your order!




Maybe something like this?

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Where ever you can make him fit will be fine with me and they must all live up to their 7 dwarf names.  Sleepy should look sleepy, etc.  This should keep you quite busy!  Are you up to the challenge?

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