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Crop and tone, grain in PS .

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yesterday I`ve decided to rate photos lower, to be more cruel, but when i look at this one I simply cannot do this

Best Regards

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My thoughts.. this image evokes a very strong tribal theme with all the body painting. Your model looks a lot more masculine in this photo compared to some of the previous ones you took of him. I like the way the lighting shows the veins in his arms and hands. (I think it's sexy) You handled the face nicely, with just enough of the prominent nose showing and the shadow across the eyes - almost looks like he's wearing a mask adding another layer to your tribal theme - nice skin tones too. As a matter of fact, the lighting is spectacular and I can't find anything to pick at this time (lighting-wise) ;-)

The black underwear doesn't work for me. I'm not sure how comfortable you or your model would've been shooting this in the nude, but I would've preferred to see all skin. I suppose you could do a little PS magic to "remove them" seeing as there is so little there.. The only other thing is the position of his hand. It's a bit contrived and doesn't fit the theme somehow.. plus the impression you give us with the lighting is that he's not leaning his elbow on anything so it looks like he's just holding it up, it looks too "posed". Maybe if he had wrapped his arm around his head so that his left hand would be grasping the right side of his head or the back of his head? He could've also just put his hand on the back of his neck or just something other than having his wrist/hand bent like that..

Now if you are intentionally playing tricks with the viewer's mind and he is leaning on something (maybe he's got his knee propped up on a chair and he's leaning on that or maybe it's a piano or some tall object), it doesn't work somehow because we can't see the knee (or whatever it is). Maybe a sliver of light on what he's leaning against would've helped fill in the blanks in one's imagination? Unlike some of the others in this series, I'm not getting anything from this emotionally. Were you trying to communicate anything in particular to the viewer with his body language?

In spite of the hand and the underwear, I really like this. Not sure how to rate it because of the hand thing.. more like a 5.5-A/7-O Hope you have more..

P.S. Your studio is in Poland? :))

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Hi Piotr,

Well, I am not sure if it is a continuation of the series of the Fallen Angel- or the Fall of Man -story, so I don't really know o to interpret this picture. I see a man ( extraordinary hands!!!) going from the light to the darkness. And his pose, deep in this thoughts ( somehow remembers me of the sculpture "Ares in love") or is he maybe deciding which side to choose?? Therefore I would opt for the Fallen Angel story... On the other hand, the loincloth suggests the Adam-story ( "Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized that they are naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made loinclothes for themselves." Genesis,3, 7-8.).. Well, good job Piotr, you did confused me! :))

Anyway, it is a very nice picture, I love this type of light. Too bad, I know so little about photography to join the discussion about the technique. Regards:)

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This image ,even it looks as some of the others do not really join any of series ( apart from one , or rather one single image which started it ..there is some more to come ..) SO it is just something on its own...but others are to join...
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