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Running away from the stalker

Pierre Dumas

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At first, this is funny, as if the bird is the "stalker"  of the jogger -- fat chance!  Then the puzzle falls into place.  Who is the stalker?  Is the bird being stalked by another?  Is the man behind stalking the one ahead and like Aesop's fable "The Tortoise and the Hare" is he truly a danger?  Perhaps the jogger will turn around and surprise the defenseless man behind.  Perhaps the bird will stalk a smaller bird out of view.  The bare tree makes this place lonely and barren, further setting the scene.  And the black & white puts it all into focus -- de-cluttering any extraneous information.  Eventually, it becomes terrifying.....

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Hi, Dona!


You made quite an unnecessary observation, thorough one too! To me it is obvious that only one is running and he/she is certainly not running away from the bird, the bird has no one to run away from, the trees never run away and the man is not running!


Cheers to that


Thank you for your thorough exploration!



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the runner finally sees a tree & he'll certainly do what every dog does when it sees a lone tree. the bird is getting agitated because it has just started to build a nest in the lone tree & doesn't like an intruder. tries to chase him away. the elderly stroller goes very slowly & gives the runner time to do his thing without suffering the embarrassment of being observed up close.... 

my idea: life might be far more complicated than it could be as suggested by a minimalistic hint.

Pierre, nevertheless, have a good day while pondering my impressions & interpretations !




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Thank you, Sam, Rick and Michail!


Thank you for making fun of my serious masterpiece, Sam!


I don't remember which one came next in production, Rick!


Simple, therefore beautiful, well said, Michail!



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The stark silouette against the white tells the story .  The bird helps to break the emptiness and adds interest !  Well thought out and composed ! Bill   P.S. The tree could do with scaling up !!!

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