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Morning Bridge


Supported by monopod (Manfrotto six-footer).Never a cloud when you need one.

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I really like the colors. The morning sea mist gives a nice appearance to the bridge and the objects on land. The positions of the rocks, ship and bridge center are ideal. A shot like this is worth getting up early for.
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I got a cloud. Got a bunch of them. But I don't think any of them would fit this picture. What can you do?


Peter, Is this one of the ferry shots? The softness of the bridge in the background is wonderful, but I think it needs something sharp in the foreground.

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I know what you mean. I don't really feel this one needs them particularly. The overall feeling is wonderful without clouds. I thought for a moment this was a stitched panoramic but I see you just cropped out the cloudless sky mostly.
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In Santa Fe I found that 6x17 panorama camera owners had followed your example and sold them on e-bay.

Why? you ask? Because the Canon D-10 (or is it 10D?) provides such usable detail and PS7/8 Raw files work so well in stitching that there is no need, they say, even for stitching s/w -- do it all in Photoshop.

So I didn't buy a panorama camera as I had been hankering to, instead I bought a gitzo series 3 studex and put a bogen 3-way head on it -- all the better to capture stitchable panels. Also, I used the occasion of a recent birthday to get a 2x extender for the hasselblad; it seems to work well with my 150mm zeiss lens on the 3-way bogen head on the studex tripod.

now all i have to do is stitch something.

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After hearing that doing stitching was useless without finding the nodal point of the lens you're using I set up the only lens I have with any fore and aft adjustment, the 100-400. I found the nodal point at 100mm and made a set of 11 images off my back deck today. The Canon PhotoStitch software didn't improve any but the PhotoVista software made a nearly perfect job of it. I'm excited but now I need a focusing rack for the other lenses. I'm going to try and do a nice panorama over the next few days and see how it goes. I'll let you know.
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It's 2,000 pixels wide, down from over 19,000 pixels (stitched from 22 frames) so I may post it. I hope it shows. Take a look and let me know if you see any stitching as I cannot find any. This is not intended to be artistic, just informative.

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I've got the dual montior setup now. I stretched your stitched image across two screens and could not detect any seams.

This might not be the technical appraisal you were looking for, but there it is.

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My Kirk focusing rail came and I've tried it all the way down to 16mm with results worsening as the focal length goes down. However, I may be expecting too much of it with close-in trees and such. I will be trying it on large scenics over the next couple of days. Even when there are defects, it seems easier to repair them than before. I'll let you know what happens. I will try to attach another 22 frame panorama from atop Loveland Pass. In it you can see what our snow situation is. . . very poor! This image was also originally over 19,000 pixels. shot with the 100mm end of the zoom as well.

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