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God's Light...


Pentax A f1.7, handheld, 1/30 @f1.7

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Yep, at the right place, at the right time. I very much like the different greys in the interior. A bit a pity that the man isn't sitting in the middle of the ray, but well, we can't control everything, off course :-) I like the picture very much!
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On a scale of 1-10 I'd give this shot an 11. I think we've also shut the mouths of the purists who don't think T-CN400 is a real film. Nice, nice job.
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Exceptional!!!! The beauty of looking at a photo such as this and such an approiate title. My congrats to you.-Michael Joseph Hoard
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Thanks for the comments. This image is very special. The conditions were far from ideal -- dark interior, very contrasty lighting, no tripod -- so I took only 2 shots. I did not think either would amount to anything, but this one turned out sublime. Some higher force must have been with me that day! Regards, m.
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Wow! When you got your picture developed, you must have been thrilled to see the beauty in this one. That's what we all strive for...to show the beauty in something that we see. You have captured a wonderful moment perfectly. Great job!
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This is inspiring, both as commentary and as a piece of art. If it looks this good online, I can only imagine what a large print must look like. Congratulations. Keep shooting. - Bill
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the two kodak chromogenic films are known for allowing overexposure to get shadow detail while still holding onto highlites, and this proves it beyond a doubt. superb photo, and the slight sepia tone adds a lot of warmth. well done!
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I don't remember when was the last time I gave a 10. I'm not religious in any way (though my language might make you belive otherwise), I'm not moved in a spiritual way or anything to give 10s. This is simply an astounding picture taken in an astounding setting. I don't like to argue about ratings but they are so much all over the place that I'd love to know what was on their minds when they gave this picture a 4 (and no, it's not because they rated it before the ratings changed). Execution is simply perfect - how could you improve on this I ask you? How could you not use this picture for future originality comparisons?
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A great composition without being contrived. Only thing I would have done is go in with Photo Shop and 'eliminate' the others in the shot. Not being in the center of the ray is just fine. That would be too much!
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I really enjoyed this one. Best of Folder and one of the best shots on Photo.net. The man's placement is perfect on the edge of the beam of light. It would have looked like you had planted him there had he been right in the middle. I like the highlights around his head and the way the light interacts with the rows of pews.
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Aesthetics: 9

Originality: 5

Visually, this is near perfect in my mind. It's an incredibly well-done shot. I would frame it and put it on my wall.

As far as originality, I don't find anything that really separates it from other "light through church window" type photos, but neither is it a boring and cliched shot, so I give it a middle-of-the-pack rating.

Hope I haven't offended you with the 5, as I really do enjoy looking at this one.

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This is a spectacular photo that should be photo of the week. Far superior to some of the recent honorees. Congratulations!
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This is quite a photograph. I would kill for your skills my friend. Bask in the glory you so deserve. I agree with the last guy...this better be a photo of the week soon.
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It is an amazing image. I wonder that nobody has said anything about the unstraight verticals though. You certainly need to put things straight, my friend (Oh yes, you are in my "friends" folder now...) Do it once more and I will give up photography. No, just kidding.
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