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OK, so I know I'm not supposed to say anything and be mystious, and let you figure it out. But I have to here. 


This is, well, I can't say her name, but she is an amazing woman.  She keeps a pelican in her bathtub with a broken wing that badly healed, and she tied herself to an very old, big,  tree on the sidewalk for three days in her yard so zoning couldn't cut it down. And she won. When you go to her house she says, "Oh, I'd invite you in, but I don't think the pelican would like it!" 


But I have a feeling it's really because she's a bit of a hoarder.

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LISA! YOU HAVE TO GET A SHOT OF THE PELICAN! I'm telling you, you have to get a shot of the pelican in the bath tub, you owe it to me!

Try this, go over with an unpopped bag of microwave popcorn, tell the lady (who you refuse to reveal her name) that your microwave broke if can you use hers to pop your bag.....

Oh wait, I have another idea, make a pot of chili, pelicans like chili right? Tell her you made the pelican chili, perhaps after she sees your kind gesture she will invite you in.

Once you get in you have to get a shot of the pelican flapping his gimp wing, I don't know how you would do that, perhaps tickle his belly. My arms flail when my wife tickles my belly....


On a side note, against the wishes of my wife and children, I have invited Ghost Man over for Christmas dinner. He is bringing a bottle of cough syrup, we are going to do shots. Thanks so much for the connection.....

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LOL. I can't. Trust me, I can't. I'll make it up to you, somehow, I promise.

lolololo....that really would have been a great shot, though.

Speaking of birds, I have two stories of my own. I used to have very thick hair, and I used to twist it up in a bun on the top of my head. One day I felt something grabbing at my hair, and I gave a shriek, and I heard an answering shriek, and I looked up, and this bird had thought my bun was a nest! It was batting at me and I was batting at it/her/him/whatever...and we were screaming at each other.

The second is awesome. When I first moved to to the town in which I live now, I stayed in this apartment building, on the thirteenth floor.  There was a big bird conservatory nearby. I had a balcony, and on my second week there I saw a huge crowd of geese raucously gathering in a crowd in the sky over the building and circling randomly above the building. As I watched, more and more joined them. There had to be at least two or three hundred.  After a while they started circling more orderly, and then suddenly, they went up, and up...and up, got into V formation (a huge, double V) and then they started flying north!.  It seemed very quiet after that, and all of a sudden the whole process started again! Right above my apartment building. Hundreds of birds gathered, squawking and crying, slowly organized themselves and disappeared north. The whole process took place about three times above my head for about 2 hours.

It happened every day for a week, and didn't happen the next year. It never happened again.  I didn't realize how lucky I had been.

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Great stories, we have a group of Ravens (I think they call a murder of Ravens) gather at the golf course across the street form my house. Hundreds and hundreds gather, sometimes there are so many it's disturbing.

Remember, when you go out, wear a hat and never look up with your mouth open.

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It would be so fun to do a photo journalistic study of her. Try warming up to her with time and see if she'll agree.   If you can gain her trust that would be so cool.

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Tony, now it's your turn. Go look at some of Fukase's pictures. Then get a flash, and go take pictures of the ravens by you. Stop down in the daylight and use the flash.


Marie, I can't. I've moved and I live in the country now. However, I'm in redneck territory now-real bible belt, a lot of American Indian/Irish too, and I am collecting phone numbers of people for study. I'm trying to figure out a medium format my friend just gave me, a Mamiya C330 pro. I can't figure out head or tail of it.


 One day I woke up early in the morning, and the pasture was misted over up to height of about 3 feet above the ground. Through mist in the pasture, a whole flock of about 30 or 40 pheasants were running quietly through the ground.


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Well you better get that figured out soon. Or get a full frame digital too, which is in my plans as well.  Its convenience.  Best of both worlds I think.  If there's no photo it didn't happen lol ;)

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