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The general idea is fine but IMO it needs some cropping to eliminate that street lamp and the portion of pavement of different colour (unless you included it for some purpose which eludes me). As I see the composition it would be neater without it. Also I'd have set the people about 1/3 of the height of the photo, cropping a bit below them.

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I agree that croping the left is an instintive reaction (I probably would do it) but leaving as it is gives the composition a surprising and unworried charm and keeps its strong visual impact.



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Siguiendo el hilo de los comentarios anteriores, a primera vista el triángulo de diferente color y la lámpara de calle del ángulo superior izquierdo me resultaba incómodo.

Luego de observarla detenidamente empezó a ocupar su lugar en la composición para terminar siendo necesario ese detalle. En resumen, no sólo no me molesta, sino que me gusta.

Pero, siempre hay un pero, tu firma a la izquierda le quita algo de limpieza, fuera de eso no deja de ser un trabajo hermoso.

Chapeau madame

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I think on some level the lamp post may work, however the left bulb is cut too abruptly. Perhaps it may be better with out. Good capture none the less, good position on the players.  

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Not knowing what other elements might have cluttered the corner near the lamppost, it may have been impossible to preserve all of it. The three figures against the slightly-skewed angle of the pavement would have worked. But the lamppost gives an important context to a shot that portrays itself as having been taken near midday. Lots of contemplation is provoked by this composition, and that's always a good thing. Thanks for sharing this image with the rest of us.

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Marta,  I have looked at this image both with and without the notorious pink triangle and lamp.  After careful viewing, I prefer the triangle left in as it is.  Without it, the image is too blank.  The contrasting lamp adds interest and dimension by contrast.  I like the way the man at left is walking toward your contrasting outside (of the image). How would this image look in contrasty B&W?  All the opinions you have received prove this is a most creative and successful image. You are not "lost" . You found your self artistically in this image. Excellent!   Larry

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