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Sign Your Name Upon My Heart

Img_934615PN_20_05_2015_Fine Art_Canon EOS Rebel T4i - Canon EF 24_105mm f/4 - Focal Length: 70mm - Shutter Speed: 1/32 sec - F/Stop and Aperture: F/5.6- ISO: 200 - Exposure Program: Aperture - Metering Mode: Spot - Canon 430 EX ll - Flash Did Fire - Adobe CS6

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On May 17th of this year, my son Jesse and his Fiance Jen had their

first child together, a beautiful wee girl whom they named, Layla

Evangeline Thorne. I have found it a remarkable and heart warming

experience to watch my son care and interact with his daughter. He

has always been a sensitive and very loving child and now - man. I

knew in my heart that he would be a very loving Father. But I was not

quite prepared for the overwhelming feelings I experienced as I

watched him hold and talk to this wee three day old baby. He is

currently recovering from a lengthy ankle surgery. He was very

anxious to return home and I am sure this little one who has stolen

his heart was one of the main reasons he wanted to be 'home'.

Even 'home' takes on a very new meaning when a child arrives. She

is now 3.5 months old. I took care of her while Jess was in surgery

and of course I enjoyed it very much. She is now smiling most of the

time and making all those cute noises babies do at that age. I AM

BLESSED. (many thanks for any visits, I know I sound like a proud

Gran, can't help myself :) Gail

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Lovely, sentimental pic and words.  I've very happy for you, Gail.  The baby, Layla Evangeline, is darling.  I imagine the profile is of your son.  The way Layla's fingers caress your son's cheek and his fingers holding her is all about connection beyond words. 

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You are wonderful Mother and Grandmother! God Bless you & your Family!

Great image with interesting processing. Thank you for sharing.

Best regards, Tina

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Hello Donna, yes it is Jess.  He's ones of those Dad's who doesn't mind doing the middle of the night feedings. I'm sure while he is recuperating he will help out as best as he can also. He has a lot of sitting to do before he will be allowed to put his foot 'down' or bear any weight on it.  Every time he talks to me about her he says 'she's just so cute isn't she Mom?'.  I didn't get to take many images the other day. It was terribly hot and I didn't want to take her outside. I took pics inside but she was in her 'rocky' swing or I was holding her, feeding etc.  The images I got were mostly of her face. I was using my Macro Lens as she was waking.  I hope to get some decent ones soon. (she does have hair :) Thanks for those endearing words. I know when Jess reads them he will be pleased.

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We have not had a wee baby in our midst for a very long time.  Layla is at the age where she is 'amazed' at herself and something new she has done nearly every day.  Even when she sneezed a few times the other day - she made a little delighted noise after each one and her face lit up as if she knew she had accomplished something exciting!!

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Hi Gail,

  Oh you lucky Grandma she is a little doll.  Beautiful creative image, that will be treasured for years to come.  I hope you son improves everyday.  Take care, Patsy

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I think DonnaS comment is spot on perfect and sums up what all parents feel about their children and that special connection. Great image Gail.

Best Always, Holger

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The soft touch between love, hope, joy,  care and protection. That happen here in few second to give meaning to all the life. This expression is reflected very well in this photo.


Greetings Ricardo

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Gail : So you sound like a proud Gran ~ You have every right to be proud, of your granddaughter, your son and especially yourself in the way you tackle things. Beautifully conceived image. Rgds. Rick

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Thanks so much for those lovely words Donna.  Yes that's Jess. I'm so happy for him.  If you're having a bad day all you have to do is 'talk a bit silly' to her....she will cheer you up big time. I always appreciate hearing from you Donna

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Such a special and beautiful piece of art. A very cool name for a baby girl too. Hope Jess is doing ok with his recovery.


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Thanks so much for your visit. I just talked to Jess on the phone. He of course is still very sore but the surgery was pleased with the results. I will write to let you know how it went.  Yes, the image for me has 'emotional appeal'.

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I love to read your comments. You have a beautiful and sensitive 'pen' that conveys the caring man you are. Thank you so much for your visit and lovely remarks that warmed my heart!

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Congratulations, abuelita, Layla is sooo beautiful, Glad your son is getting better. Very loving pic.  Very well done. Abrazos

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