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© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

Summer Afternoon



© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

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Fine Art

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This time you lounched a different toppic,and i am surprised again Hou you managed to do it. the processing is a fantastic fingerprint of yours, but again as long i weight the expression,it changes...it is a smile? it is a inquiring look? is it a covered fear? is it a happy moment? I really don't know how you do this.

Refering to a beautiful wooman dressed in very fine comfort clothing,sitting in a cave (?)...well that makes a hughe contradiction...is it a temptation? or a safe hiding place ?

No doubt it is a one more pearl of your works! The slight white frame - I would give it up...Very well done work Laura,you are challenging as always!!

Many regards! Hanan

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One of your best in aesthetically rendering sense! In other words you look superb here and the environment is superb!


About the philosophic impression I can't find one!


Best regards, dear Laura!



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Admirada Laura.

Con este fantástico trabajo nos deseas buen verano, pues yo también te deseo lo mejor en este caluroso verano.

En todos tus trabajos cuidas con exquisitez todos los detalles, en esta ocasión te has superado, ya que todos estos detalles los has llevado al limite con un gran buen gusto, la edicion es excelente y la modelo bellisima como siempre, ademas con esa capacidad de interpretación que poses que hace que sean diferente todos tus trabajos, dentro de la temática tan difícil que has adoptado.

Un abrazo.


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 First of all... just to say that I'm very grateful for your comments, they're very precious to me and encourage me a lot.

I've been quite busy today, but I'll answer in detail to everyone and have a look at your amazing works.


Now I'm still a bit shocked about a Web page I've found by chance, where they've uploaded many of my works, without any permission :( The worst of all is my biography... it's from someone else except being me, totally a stranger, not my life.

I'm still smiling after reading my biography, because I've just rediscovered myself: I was born in Messina (Sicilian city) and do not know why I bother to fight every day in improving playing my classic guitar, if ... since very young :D  ...  I already played violin and also wrote , then the best thing is that I went to New York and studied photography there. Oh là là!

And... the most amazing thing was meeting Roberto Alfano ... well, what am I doing speaking Spanish everyday? if I'm Italian ... ha ha ha

I invite you to read my biography in a Web page, in Chinese, do not worry that the biography is in English. I'm with my mouth open wide ... they've used many works of mine, but at least I'm glad ... they have respected my name.


Seriously, I'm a little upset about a biography full of falsehood, do not know why they do that, better to ask permission to the author to publish a biography. I'd had given him.

The problem is how to contact, to find in Chinese the "contact" menu is quite difficult and ask that ridiculous story to be taken away.

Do you have any idea how to change a life that is not mine? or should I not pay attention?


That's why I like son much to upload my works here in Photonet, it's a forum for serious photography, which at least is aware of who I really am and what I've done, and the best of all, there're other photographers who know me here and I know them and their Works in return.

The same maybe is happening to you and you're not aware.

 ### I invite you to meet the new Italian Laura Marco on this link ### I'm stunned  :(




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Caro Giuseppe... ringrazio molto, mi è piaciuto il tuo commento così affascinante.

La vostra visita è molto apprezzato e grazie per la vostra attenzione a questa immagine.

Affettuosamente, Laura

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Dear Marco, if you feel a desire for freedom when looking at the image, with your compliment... I also feel a desire to fly freely among new ideas, flashes... and by this way continue creating more works.


I'm very happy you've liked it; thank you for your visit, because it's very appreciated by me.

Kindest regards, Laura

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Caro Gianni... ringrazio molto per il vostro complimento per questa immagine.

Apprezzo la vostra visita e di incoraggiamento. Nessun abuso di prendere il sole sulla spiaggia, ma se non altro abbiamo nel posto in cui vivo è ... è ... molto, molto sole :)

Prendersi cura sempre. Cordiali saluti, Laura

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Dear Hanan, thank you very much for your comment, I love reading what my images suggest to you, it is always quite interesting. Sorry I could not answer before, I have had a few difficult days, but finally here I am, as always.


I love the fact that you find a personal stamp on the works, that's so beautiful and the most valuable thing, one can tell me about my work.

I fully understand your question referring to the expression of the woman's face. I have an old friend who says to me: "Laura, the more I know you, the less I really know about you, the greatest doubts I have ..." may be true, there is always a doubt in people around me about my attitude or feelings.


As for me, I read the following expression: "What are you and I doing in an odd place like this one ?. It is not a cave, I sit leaning against cribs, that are no longer used anymore ...

But the cave ... yes, yes, yes ... I'm waiting these hot days of so much sun to finish, and then I'll go into a cave, I've already visited, I've gotten into it with flashlights, dragging me, filling me with mud and I'm sure, something really beautiful can be born there. So I'm going back, but this time with my camera, I hope just a single, small light can be marvellous inside a cave  :D


Hanan ...! תודה רבה

Your impressions about my works are very precious for me. Thanks a lot!

Kindest regards, Laura

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Dear Michael, thank you for your comment to this image, I'm glad you've liked it.

I've taken a look at your latest images in black and white, they are awesome, and remember me... films in black and white. Tension & action, both together by the hands.

I want to see them more carefully. Thank you very much for everything,

Kindest regards, Laura

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Dear Pierre, Glad you liked this image.

Actually, it is true, it has hardly any message to be unfold. Not much emotional baggage. But I also like to leave "the image for the image in itself". It is unusual in me, but not impossible.


Think about this: if the aesthetic sense is comparable to a refreshing large lemonade, I ... me... then I'm like a short and very thick coffee, espresso type ... that kind that the liquid surface has got so much cream, that it can be cut with a knife and while drinking it sticks to the throat, itchy...  :D


That's how I am ...


Thank you very much for all your impressions, I appreciate  them very much. Kindest regards, Laura

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Querido Joaquín,

Muchas gracias por tu comentario tan bonito y ya me tienes sonriendo otra vez...

Es verdad, das en el clavo, al decir que intento cuidar todos los detalles. Lo que más me gusta son los detalles.

Hay otras imágenes donde incluso he pelado una naranja, para usar la corteza de adorno en el desayuno, en una mesilla de noche... un trocito de pan etc. y así un detalle detrás de otro.

Esto hace que sean lentas las obras para poder publicarlas, pero definitivamente creo merece la pena.


Yo tengo un problema :D  y es que me gusta todo tipo de fotografía: abstracta, paisajística, retratos, naturaleza, post-procesada... e incluso a veces me ilusiono más mirando trabajos distintos a los míos, porque admiro la destreza al hacer imágenes, que yo no sabría.


Cuando valoro otro tipo de fotografía más parecida a la mía, tengo más puntos conflictivos. Yo solo valoro en positivo, y con buenas notas.

Si no me gusta, ¿para qué voy a valorar bajo un tipo de fotografía que no me gusta y a lo mejor ni sé hacer? eso a veces se hace en este foro... y me temo en todos.

A veces fotografía que no gusta, hay fotógrafos que valoran bajo; no tiene sentido, ni pies ni cabeza.


Estos días de tanto sol, con esta luz tan fuerte... son poco rentables para mí. Para mis imágenes, estas sombras tan duras y luminosidad, no me sirven... así estoy deseando pasen estas semanas de sol y luz tan fuerte y comenzar a hacer nuevas cosas.


Muchas gracias por tus ánimos y por el lujo de tener tu valiosa opinión.

La aprecio muchísimo.


Un abrazo, Laura.

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