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Cock Fight And Worried Observer

Pierre Dumas

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very creative and thought provoking Pierre...i also like how you rendered the tree and cropped the man...regards....David

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Hmm, maybe he has placed a bet on the fight and his cock is not doing well, but seriously there is more to this than meets the eye PD. I'm curious to see other posters views.

Best Regards,  Holger

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When I saw this,I had an immediate thought and before I wrote it down,I read our colleages comments to find that Holger had beaten me to the punch.Good work,mon ami!

Meilleures salutations-Laurent

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Welcome and thank you, David, Tony, Holger and Laurent!


I like all your comments, very rich and poignant!


Cheers to that!



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would have called it only "the fight" maybe more suitable with the Roman statue ...

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Thank you, Maria!


Taking in consideration that the Roman statue is a fake one and more that it doesn't look like some kind of warrior I think the caption should stay!





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Welcome and thank you, Jon!


The observer also looks like pondering, ha! Therefore no need of pondering for the viewers!





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I am always amazed by your skills in photoshop and your creativity! Interesting to know how your thoughts flow ...:) Warm regards, Tamara
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Thank you miladies!


I really enjoy your support! To tell you the truth, Tamara, my skills in Photoshop are only routine and don't know much about Photoshop in theory!


And about my thoughts, nothing much to tell...maybe no much of thoughts, maybe I'm only being led by my aesthetic feelings and some logic!



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No, sir, no cadavers here!


Non e questo naturalezza morta, ma surreale!






P.S. Naturalezza morta = Still life

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Judging by the suit and the facial expression SHE doesn't know which of the two cocks she should eat first! But, who knows, Romans were weird people at the time! For example every Emperor had an Empress behind him! They were the real masters and sometimes even killed their husbands (and vice versa)!


Cheers to that, Herr Weber!




P.S. Example: Clavdivs was killed (poisoned) by his wife!



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I see that you may have intended this image initially to serve as an homage to the ancient Greek philosophers.  To me, this chap is the personification of Aristotle - clean shaven, of course.  He is not just pondering the outcome of a potential cockfight.  (If I remember Aristotle's work correctly, he would not describe this as an actual cockfight.)  More importantly, he is wondering why the tree casts such a light shadow over the combatants.  Lest you think this to be a trivial philosophical issue, like how many angels can sit on the head of a pin, think again.  He really is trying to make sense out of the world.  In that respect, you and he are much alike.


My best always,


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Welcome and thank you, Michael!


You see, when I studied there was only one good philosophy, the Marxist! Other philosophers were only mentioned to point where they were wrong, so that I had no chance for acquaintance with Greek philosophers more closely! Now, when we overcame the socialism there is only one good philosophy, the Macedonian! IE, the authorities think that Aristotle was Macedonian educated in Greece! That's why his statue might be positioned in the center of the town!

As far as I'm now acquainted with Aristotle I prefer the scientifically more justified approach of Democritus!





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Happy to hear that, Herr Weber! I also mag you!


You forgot Pedro, Petar, Petre, Petro...and maybe perro, ha! The last suits me most!


Golem pozdrav



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