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© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

Poisoned by you



© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

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Fine Art

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This image comes to be the same as turning a glove inside out, or a

sweater ... when we turn clothes inside out and can see seams. It

means confronting to people's inner side, their deep mood and

disposition ... There're many artists who use masks as elements in

their works (masks as in carnival), nevertheless here is the opposite:

no mask to hide, no need to conceal nor cover truth. All is upside


Suffering heaviness in our mind that weighs for long, in our heart and

all is misunderstood, feeling rejected and forgotten.

As if we were being poisoned: tired and poisoned and not knowing

how to stay afloat.

That's why I've entitled "poisoned by you".

Comments are welcome, thank you!

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Ciao Laura. La foto è di grande espressività e molto bella come composizione e per la tecnica in generale. La ragazza non deve disperarsi + di tanto perchè dopo la tempesta torna sempre a splendere il sole!

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Caro Gianni, quello che volevo con la foto era l'espressione, un'espressione fuori dal comune e non facile da ottenere. 

E 'come un attore dice, "nella scena successiva si arriva a piangere", e si ... è il dramma, l'insieme ne scena dramma. Cerco sempre di offrire qualcosa di più.

Grazie per i vostri commenti e visita, e tutto; Essi sono molto apprezzati.


Un abbraccio, Laura

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Dear Jim, I think that we all have dark sides, at least in some moments of our lives... me, it's the same as for the rest! Nevertheless, I'm always a soul full of contradictions, between what my heart tells me and what my eyes actually can see.

Cannot explain better!... thanks for your appreciated visit, for all and for having liked this work.


Kindest regards, Laura

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Thank you Andrey for your visit and for having appreciated this work.


Gracias Joaquín, por tu afecto y valoración de este trabajo. Es importante para mí.



Thanks in general to all those who in one way or another, have helped me to move forward. Without such support would be very difficult, without any illusion. I do not know if this work have been liked, but the idea is to "dramatize" the character.

This woman reminds me Cathy, when she's hitting the window for Heathcliff to open it and go with her to walk the moors, they alone.

- "Let me in, let me in(...) I'm come home, I'd lost my way on the moor" -   though she's already dead, without hezitating Heahthcliff opens it like a crazy soul and asks her to enter, finally they go wandering at night; they're together again. A tormented love that transcends death.

This woman of the portrait could be dead Cathy (white skin, lifeless body, dark clothes after being buried), hoping that her lover will open the window. Her cold, cold hand, it's felt by the narrator.


Do you know what story is? Right? :) Good evening and thank you!

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