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© Chris Blaszczyk



Kimono by Nusia


© Chris Blaszczyk

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Really interesting shot. Lighting is nice, her expression makes you take a second look and the blurred background also contributes to an intriguing composition.
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this is edgy. I find no cliches in your work. It all seems fresh to me so I hope you are getting high marks for Originality. I would give you highs for both A & O but I don't score. I also love your other recent portrait of the slender black woman with long forehead and the beautiful hands. I like that you include hands and find them as expressive as faces. I would love to move your equipment and load your cameras to learn how you work with your models.
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what nationality/ethnicity is Kaya?? I can't really tell, b/c she has these asian eyes, but eastern european face. very beautiful girl, highly original outfit and location.

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Kent, I shoot once a month at best and I really can't understand why people have problems with lights. It is soooo easy to learn to see with your light meter. All you need is to spend time with only one type of film and study it and later expand to other media. I would gladly invite you to see what I do if you live in the area.
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I am dumb wrt lights as I've shot only available light but I want to learn and I will learn. But what I meant that I wanted to learn from you is some way you must have with your models, person-to-person. They seem so natural in their expression and you get something out of them that is edgy and very engaging. This one for instance doesn't look posed. She just looks involved in her life and it gives me a sense of her life. She's not just another pretty face. She has an interesting story. To me your photos look real and not fake or in any way posed or "photographic." I don't know if I'm clear on this. It's a thought still not fully mature in my mind but I hope you get some of my meaning. In this one, for instance, there is a guarded almost threatened look on her face as if someone approached her too closely without her permission, perhaps invaded her space. And her hands are also somewhat closed and protectively wrapped around her body as if to compliment her facial expression. So the whole body posture is coherent. It's composition beyond leading lines and rule of thirds. And because of that, the photograph really works for me. What amazes me is how you got this out of her. How did you see it so clearly and know that's what you wanted to capture. I think you have good instincts because only instinct can act this quickly.


Thank you for your generous offer. It good for me to go to new places and see with fresh eyes. I've looked so much at my immediate surroundings that I probably have jadded eyes and I've exhausted the photo possibilities. Coming here and seeing some of the outstanding and original work is good for my eyes and my education. Regards

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compliments to nusia for the super outfit - would love to see more of this work featured in a standalone - oh and yes its a very nice photo too ;).
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What can I say, you just keep turning out images that are so good and interesting that sometimes I think that you must have been some big fashion shooter that had a nervous break-down and now just dabbles in photography just to frustrate and irritate us flunky amateurs.
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