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Someone Is Always Watching - (enlarge)

Img_4784_10_07_2014 -Digital Alterations- Canon Rebel T4i - Canon f2.8 Macro USM - Shutter Speed: 1/1600 sec - Focal Length: 100mm - F/Stop & Aperture: f/2.8 - ISO: 200 - Exposure Program: Aperture - Metering Mode: Spot - Flash Did Not Fire - Adobe CS6

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There is a Song I have always loved by Alan Parson's Project - 'Eye

In The Sky'. The words seem to apply to any decade that I have

lived - and actually any day. I am responsible for every moment of

my 'every day'. I am responsible for what I do with my 'NOW',

because really, that is all we have - NOW. No one is bending my arm

as to how I live my 'NOW'. I have the CHOICE to live a life that helps

my fellow man or do the OPPOSITE. I hope I always make the right

choice. We live in a World full of 'wrong choices' and

the 'consequences' of those 'choices'. Whether a brighter tomorrow

is possible or not - what I decided to do with my 'NOW' can make a

difference. I am no Scholar - just a simple person. (sometimes I

think too much perhaps? just Gail :)

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A blast of vibrant colour to brighten a wet and foggy day here in west Wales. Your love of nature's colour and form is always a joy to witness in your work.



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Dear Gail, The world needs to have your attitude about right and wrong, it'd be a better place. The image is well conceived and works perfectly with your sentiment. Especially the angel, watching over us and all the little creatures sitting on flowers.

Best Always,  Holger

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I recognized your style from first view on thumbnail,as always you have a very original way to express your feeling and we delight with your work.

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Quite an interesting image, Gail. There is an Edenesque quality to the picture that is both alluring and threatening. Is that a fanged serpent ready to strike that unsuspecting and innocent flower?
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You are such an artist Gail! I like the presentation and the bold colours. TFS!

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I've had a lot of thoughts about the World in general and it's inhabitants.  Mankind seems to take 1 step forward and 5 back these days.  Wars and rumors of wars - apparently there are more wars on our planet 'at one time' than there ever has in History. My husband just watched a program last evening on Human Trafficking; it is worse than Drug Trafficking. Social Media seems to be making us more aware of these things and much faster.  So many people (not everyone!!) wear the 'mask' of the type of person they want the World to see, while in truth are totally opposite when you really know them.  I also have watched programs that have said we are living in a time where there are more earthquakes, more tornadoes and various types of wild weather than there ever has been recorded in History. I have this longing to go back about 40 years (not necessarily be with the one I was with then) but go back and actually feel thankful that life was much simpler, many tasks took longer, and I often wondered just how much more advanced we would be once we reached 2001. I had no doubts in my mind that mankind would be more evolved. I was wrong. It is senseless to go on about it. That insect is an 'itsy bitsy' grasshopper that I spied on a flower in a Garden Centre. I am not sure what 'meal' he had planned next. The stone Angel is 'sad'.  Many thanks for sharing your thoughts, I always appreciate your POV :) Gail

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I realize this is a composition that may be interpreted so differently by man. I think you understand what I am saying Radu. thank you both for your encouraging thoughts shared!

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I am convince that evrything happens for a reason! I have negleted PN for a while, but I have been reading Eckhart TOLLE The power of Now! What a great surprise to find your gorgeous image and read the words to the song "eye on the Sky"! Now Now Now! Warm regards my dear friend.
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I love what you did with this.

I took a class where we were taught mindfulness or "staying focused on the moment."  It really helps me.

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Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this composition.  I appreciate you sharing with me about the course you took.  I have found over the years it is so easy to focus on times past....which does little to help our lives in the present.  We often don't really don't know any different until we avail ourselves to classes like you took - a new view on life often brings rewards, at least I have found that over the years. :) fond regards, Gail

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