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Watermelon seller and producer - color

Pierre Dumas

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Ho letto duemila libri della mia vita e avere tutto dimenticato, il mio dotto amico! Penso che sia giunto il momento di ri leggere la Bibbia e dopo che pentire sinceramente!
Sì, ho letto l'odissea e, naturalmente, mi ricordo il personaggio coraggioso, ma non sono d'accordo che in qualche modo sono come lui! Meglio confronto è Don Chisciotte de la Mancha, ah!
Posso concludere che si "vota" per la versione a colori, allora?

La ringrazio molto, il mio consulente!

Ciao Mau

Pietro de la Mancha

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For head shots like this offering I usually prefer B&W but after viewing both I had to toss a coin to come down on the side of the colour version.  The sharpness range seems to nicely cover the eyes to the tip of the nose, two elements which would suffer were they not sharp. Well done.  Best, LM.

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Well, they both have their merits Pierre, but I do like the colour. I can see to what degree he is graying, good to see that blue of his eyes and colour in his face. I can see that he might be an 'adventurer'. He looks like he enjoys a good conversation, perhaps about all his adventures. I imagine selling Watermelons would pale in comparison in his mind. Some men are just meant to wander and find their way on the road!!!

Well done Pierre. I am enjoying seeing these images from you! Wishing you the best, Gail

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Thank you, dear Gail!


Your observation is very interesting and again very logical! This guy was able to put together his adventures, his talkative mouth and his business!


Best regards



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Welcome and thank you, Vezio!


I don't understand whether you mean about the B&W version or the background here when you say "monochrome" scene!





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