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Rainy day


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You know Tamara you do have a slight advantage over most.....not only is your work outstanding but to have a 24 hr striking model at your convenience......must be nice. Another great piece of work.
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My model is very moody. Sometime we have long conversations to make her pose for me.

Sounds like split personality :)

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It's another one of those you do that doesn't seem to have anything to it, but still holds the eye.

You know how some people come into a room and there is nothing physically unusual about them, but they have "presence" / "Charisma" or something and they fill the room. These are the picture equivalents of that.

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I would like more the right side cropped a bit. Now the person is so very centered. Cropping would give more unsymetry and, may be, the viewer would think " oh what is the think the lady is looking at ?"
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Softening tends always to lend mood, and this is no exception - it helps creates a slightly unrealistic or dreamy atmosphere in which to examine the subject. Thereafter it falls short in my eyes, and I say this only because you've requested a critique.


Model - thoughtful, yes well aren't we all at some stage. Rainy day - title doesn't hold; are we to imagine the rain? is she imagining the rain?


Aesthetically the image is of poor quality. The halo around the jacket speaks of a lack of attention to your details/ lack of equipment knowledge. Lighting from left is weak resulting in scanty detail on the jacket.


Autumn - or "I've overlooked something to add to the shopping list?" Frankly your model looks bored, in future try using creative suggestions to animate them.


It's not bad, I just felt you might appreciate some input from someone not wholly enamoured of your creation.


Cheers, Seven Stuartson.

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Your a great photographer and a great model as well. However some of your shots are too digital / tinkered for my taste. Your straight shots and straight b/w conversion are top notch and the photography has a Peter Lindbergh sort of feel to it. Your overdigitized shots such as this, although still nice, come no further then a K-mart postcard sort of level. Keep up the good work though and apply PS with judgement. I would love to see more shots of other models to see how you would do with modeling them. If that is anywhere near as good as some of your selfportraits ....
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in reading comments: I respectfully disagree with a previous... I see the "digitization" as another medium...


....it's just another paintbrush and tool. You're using that and your photography well together to create your own modern and spectacular style of art!!!


bahh, humbug on the purists!!! ha!! (tho I have a touch of that myself)


Good innovative work Tamara... keep doing what you're doing...



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na masu fotografija neznam sta bi komentira, mislim da se mnogi profesijonalci mogu posramit na neke fotografije... kisni dan, meni su odlicni ti dani, fino se prosetat po parku, sumi, pokisnuti, uzet kist i putem zen-a pratit ritam dazda o neba...
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