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Still life painting

Pierre Dumas

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Questa volta sono contento di essere tra i primi! Ahahah!!! Certo che il tuo "eclettismo" è vasto, passi dal "figlio del demonio" a questo pregevole "still-life" con post-produzione ottimamente eseguita! Anche a me piacciono le vecchie macchine fotografiche, ne ho una bella collezione. Sei veramente..."DIABOLICO"! Ciao, amico mio.

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Ho comprato quella macchina fotografica per i soldi che avevo in tasca, non ho mai preso più di 3 foto con essa! Non capisco come possa farmi diabolico!
Ti ringrazio molto per la tua serie di complimenti. caro maestro!

Ciao Mau

Pietro il confuso!

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Original, unique and dare I say artistic all come to mind while viewing your image PD. Interesting work my friend.



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An intriguing and beautiful image. I really like the camera. I was not sure what the long object was in front of the camera which looks like a miniature duster or an erotic tickler!  All the very best.

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Thank you Tony!


It's a flower, ha! But I don't know what is that line on the right of the miniature corn! Needs correcting this one!



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Tony, you are confusing me! This is what I found  for erotic tickler:


Therefore there isn't such flower!


Cheers to that



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Well, I always find a camera to be erotic personally .. : -)


A somewhat strange composition Pierre, but no less interesting because of that. At first I wondered why the camera was not in focus, but then I realized that had it been so, the scene would not hold so well together.  I'm not too sure what the symbolism may be if any, I see it more as an abstract myself and it works, since the eye is drawn in and wanders around the frame searching for a meaning.  

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Thank you for your exploration, John!


It wasn't meant to tell something, it is just a mess of composition, maybe with likeable and interesting visually elements!





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