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Fog and rain in Milford Sound Fjord


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This is a nice photo. Is it desaturated ? I dont think the elaborate frame adds much, a simple one would have done (IMHO).
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There was no colour correction , just a raining day .About the frame .............nobody loves them BUUU UUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ;-)
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I think this is a great shot. Instantly striking. The mist and blurriness only adds to the atmosphere. Seems like a tremendous place of contrasts and striking lanscapes. Thanks for sharing
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Marina, your landscape shot is as superior as your "environmental portrait" skill. Your eyes are sharp for this sort of scene which many would have gone pass without notice. Congrat !
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"Instantly striking"????

Um sorry to disappoint, but I just don't see it. Everything is out of focus, the colour is a restricted number of greys, and the shapes are just blurry blobs. To make it worse there is jpeg artifacts and chroma noise too. Not wanting to discourage but judging by the comments and ratings I can only ask what is so wonderful here? To be honest I only noticed this photo because it was on TRP's and would not ordinarily bother to comment, but with so many 6's & 7's would anyone care to explain what makes this an "excellent" photo? It is technically very poor, and imo aesthetically non-descript.

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Sorry Marina but I must agree with Adams comments.I like your composition but the lack of sharpness and usable contrast and tones makes this a snapshot IMO.You have better ones in your portfolio,keep shooting Marina!
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Marina, Ted Baxter would probably say your frame looks just great:). Interesting shot in spite of (or because of?) the heavy rain. Great that you recognized the image was worth the effort. A little too much foreground for my taste but easy to fix if you agree. Also could use a tad more contrast. Best, LM.
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What counts here is the over-all feeling this image generates. That little boat seems lost in a really big space. I'm not at all sure I'd want to make my living in this environment. There is a real loneliness feeling here. It works for me.
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Marina, I think you have captured the mood well...vast and dank, enclosed by the mist. But I think the low light and probably lack of tripod have prevented you from getting a sharp shot. I like the boat and the scale it provides but I would have preferred it slightly further into the dark background and a little more visible. I also feel I am viewing this from a low position; possibly cropping some of the water off would give a more elongated form and "lift" it. You certainly do seem to get around the globe and provide us with a travelogue of your experience. Thanks for sharing.
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Mysterious and haunting. So few foul weather images ever work -- I think this one succeeds, and does so brilliantly, because of the dramatic shapes and receeding ridge lines. Magnificent!
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I'm very happy to realize that you have felt the same way I felt when I pushed the shutter. Thouhg the major merit of the shot (for me) is to have exposed my beloved camera to the heavy rain, in order to take this image.


Thamk you

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He intentado varios cortes, uno de ellos eliminando parte del mar (como ya te han dicho), pero no funciona... Me hubiese gustado ver un poco más de acantilado en la zona derecha, y que el barco estuviera más a la izda (para que destaque un poco más), pero aún así creo que no lo hiciste nada mal. A mí me gusta la monotonalidad de esta imagen y el frío/humedad que transmite y desde luego que somos muy pocos los que sacamos la cámara cuando llueve...
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A mi me gusta mucho, el efecto en el agua y sin duda la senacion que transporta, casi un monotono. En cuanto al marco, al iual que JF no tengo nada que objetar.
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I really like the monochromatic effect you have captured here. The image is very strong in that it captures the feeling of a rainy grey day perfectly. Thanks for sharing.
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