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Pierre Dumas

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Un bacio o una lotta? L'amore ha sempre una doppia faccia! Bravo come al solito il mio "surreale" amico! Ciao, Maurizio.

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Non è amore, amico mio! Non è un bacio né! Anche se ci sono baci in uso nella politica! Baci mortali per lo più! Grazie per il tuo contributo in questa pagina il mio più caro amico!


Pietro il baciato (politicamente)

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 I return to P/N after a long illness and your wonderful image is the first I see.  What is so powerful about it is that it captures the essence of human confrontation.  

 Why they are confronting each other doesn't matter.  The nature of the expressions says so much about human relationships.  It applies equally to international politics and to the couple next door.  It could be used to represent any time in human history, any part of sociology, and a thousand other situations.  You have created a universal image.


  Jerry Matchett

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Welcome and thank you, Jerry!


Sorry to hear about your illness, hope you are quite well now!


You have a view on this picture similar to others so I must reconsider the success of what I was aiming to do, ha!


Cheers to that



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I loved the reference to politics .. : -)

Indeed, very creative Pierre, the stars are emblematic, one more waiting to be gobbled up. Truly excellent once again. 

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Thank you John!


A lot of emblems are missing, as you say star, but these are the most concerning in this situation! 



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Looks like one of those fancy lattes or cappuccinos but I do agree with Chuck Turner :  the eyes and the teeth kind of creep me out!  :-)  No disrespect for your artistic talents intended.  Best, LM.

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Thank you Len,


You have the right to express your impressions here and not only the right, for when you click on the tab "critique image" it is also your duty!


The art brings beauty, truth and good, sometimes it does it in an odd way, confronting with ugly, lies and evil!


Cheers to that



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I agree, it is pity I don't visit the pn very often, but I visit my friends...

What I meant was that our creations, when set free, live their own life , provoking thoughts,

bringing smiles or painful memories ... Cheers to the cage with open doors! Warmest regards, Tamara


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Thank you Tamara,


I thought it was meant for my works particularly! I agree, of course and hope neither of my pictures has disturbed you or anyone!






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It's really tough to determine which side won the debate!  You were brilliant in using different eye colors and different colored stars to distinguish one participant from the other.  (By the way, do the stars identify each participant's political party?)


But maybe that doesn't really matter, because the image isn't really about that.  Even with the text included, it's really about the nature of honest dialogue.  Notice I didn't use the term "debate," because both participants would fail in making their points because of their anger and impatience.  Dialogue between people, however, allows for a display of emotion; on occasion, it even requires it.


By the way, if the text included is in the form of a set of lyrics, can you please send me the song once it's done?


My best always,


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The stars are well known worldwide, the red one is the communist star and the yellow stars circle is on the flag of the European Union! More than twenty years ago (almost twenty five) a change happened in the systems of many European countries, they turned from communist or socialist system to capitalism and their choice mostly was the integration in the European Union! Within them there are those who are interested (or were) in that integration and those who weren't that much interested (talking about the politic elites)! As known to me there was never an opened confrontation  between the two, but there certainly is "under cover confrontation"! I, for example am strongly against the charade called EU and prefer the once odious to me socialism to the by many new-fascist European union! Ah, it's a long story and can't be explained in one page!

Lyrics is a word I once used in the signing my pictures which contained more than two words in the caption, some kind of joke! 


Thank you for your contribution my friend!




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I'm embarrassed by my ignorance.  I'd feel better if my unfamiliarity with the EU's flag were a matter of forgetfulness.  Thanks for enlightening me, though.

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Thank you Jim!


This is a very old work, concerns the problems of the ex communist and socialist countries and their adaptation to the new direction which is always the EU!




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