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Why did they cross the road?

rivera r

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The grass on the other side of the road is always greener. No joking, they cause in the Netherlands sometimes wonderful and great traffic jams. But general speaking they consider the world as their play ground, not impressed bij what we humans think or make. Wonderful image, you have seen well!




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Mari, lovely moment you have caught, they looks really enjoy the sunlight of this season, also I like how you make different attitude in some time, just gorgeous!        Best regards

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The answer to your question is obvious in your photograph, . . . "To teach the Goslings how to do so!" What else?


In my area they are so common but, . . . "I can never stop pointing my lens at them!"


Like your photograph! And, . . . the opportunity to submit an answer to your question!


Cheers always,

Jim j.

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Mari, quizás cruzan el camino en dirección al riachuelo. Buen trabajo, te felicito.

Saludos, Joaquìn.

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'Because there was too much poo on the grass, camera right'.  I would have invested a bit of time and a few frames here myself.  Watch your step Mari,  could be slippery on that path.  :-(  Best, Len.

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