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© Richard Armstrong

Male Purple Finch


f5.6, 1/250 sec, iso 400, 400 mm


© Richard Armstrong

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I'm very impressed with the subject lighting, given that stark white background.  As always, an excellent capture...  Mike

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Thank you!  I didn't put it into the data field, but I did shoot this at +0.7 ev which helped.  The light also favored the bird.

The snow in the trees is gone now.  It was sunny and 38 degrees today.



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Mike, actually that is a great comment...meaning the branch that I worried about doesn't distract the viewer from the focus of the image.  My wife said the same thing.  I almost didn't post this shot because of the darn branch:-) Oops...I just saw how you fixed it...very nice!

Glad you made the comment!


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Actually, the branch didn't bother me at all, it's very natural.  Removal was just a challenging exercise ;-)... Mike

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Thanks, I thought hard about cloning it out...but, I could not possibly have made it work like you did...great job!

I've been doing some touching up with the cloning tool but when the object crosses the body or tail of the bird...so far, the branch stays, at least in Aperture 3.


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