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Pierre Dumas

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows;

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Pierre, I like this image more than the image you published on Facebook. In particular I like it that the balls are above the surface. That stimulates the dynamics and also the feeling of a dream. I wonder why the tree doesn't have a shadow. In my opinion you can leave out the tree. Without the tree the image is much stronger, I think. Best regards, Marco

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Intriguing composition Pierre.  At first I thought I wanted to see the shadows elongated a bit And pointing a bit left,  but I decided not,  after all it is only a dream!! Well done . AJ

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Here is how it would look without the tree!

Want me to remove the sky? Ha!

Thank you for your contribution!

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Thank you for not asking me to elongate the shadow because doing what Marco suggested I hit the wrong button and lost the whole PSD file, ha!



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That's a good critique, Museeb,


It's just a dream and no requests for removing and elongating, ha, ha, ha!


Thank you for your contribution, my friend!



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As has become my custom, I have an offbeat interpretation of this image.  It doesn't portray a nice dream involving objects floating against a muted sky.  Rather, it is foreboding.  The tree portrays death and the spheres are vultures waiting to pick it apart.  Many of us know that there are plenty of human vultures as well.


Wasn't the underworld in Greek mythology considered to be a realm involve shadowy existence?  Maybe that's why the shadows in this image are rather muted.


A tale well told, as only you can tell it . . .


My best always,


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I think the image works well Pierre. But I think because it is an 'Odd Dream' just as you Titled the image. I am afraid I not very good at interpreting some Abstract images, I just know that I enjoy yours!!! Hope all is well,

kind regards, Gail

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You told the tale, I only dremt awake and described my dream with a picture! You don't know how right are you about everything you interpreted! One of your best!


Thank you for your visit and your precious comment!



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Hi, Jim!


Nothing happens when they drop down if they ever do cause they are not very high and not too big, ha!


Thank you for your witty comment and precious visit!



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Dear Gail,


Abstract images show what you see on them! Every object represents something to you, just try to combine the impressions in a story, like honorable Michael Linder does! After all, you are doing great abstracts from which I am not sure that I draw the "right message" or in other words what they were meant to mean!


Thank you for your precious visit and timid comment!



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Caro Pierre, ti aspettavo! Tre nuovi pianeti freddi e disabitati che orbitano intorno ad un albero terrestre dal quale sperano di trarre nuova vita. Speriamo che la vita contagi tutti gli spazi disabitati dell'universo! Grazie Pierre! Ciao, Maurizio.

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Caro maestro, poveri sono coloro che cercano la vita a disegnare da un albero morto, non si vede l'albero è assolutamente morto?! Ha! Circa il contagio dello spazio vuoto nell'universo: Fammi scegliere con quali forme di vita io contagio gli spazi senza vita, e preferisco farlo spostando i soggetti indesiderati, ah, ah, ah.! Se solo potessi farlo, anche se un duro lavoro mi aspetta sarei felice di accettare!


Grazie per la tua visita preziosa e bello, commento benevolo!


Pietro il felice da fare la sposta de indesirabili suggetti!


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Pierre, The image hasn't impact without the tree. It is a dream and I like it the way you expressed it. Best regards.

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Dear Pierre, a beautiful but yet strange work.

For me, the best of all is the edge of the metal spheres and their shadows, besides I also really like the faint line of connection between the sky and the horizon, which constitutes proof of a subtle landscape with a sense of continuity form bottom to top of the photo.


The top looks like a landscape of Earth, though the bottom seems a futuristic place, where to stay?. The roundness of the spheres, brightness and shadows, they're fabulous and nicely done.


Congratulations Pierre! Kindest regards. LM

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Dear Pierre,

There is a lot to absorb in this. I am more and more convinced that the greatest "meaning" in your work comes from seeing several pieces together as your use and brand of symbolism is so consistent.

Again, you have created something that catches the eye, sustains our interest and stimulates our imagination. Well done!


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