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© Richard Armstrong

Red Squirrel IV


f5.6, 1/320, iso 400, 400 mm


© Richard Armstrong

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This gives a new meaning to "hang ten".  The Grey Squirrels here have their moments when they are cute, but this little guy just can't seem to take a bad picture.  Of course, you did a great job too...  Mike

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Thanks, Mike!

Out again today for the birds...and here is this guy...just begging to be photographed.  Sat there for about 5 minutes just watching me...so, here it is again:-)


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Congratulations on this being selected as POTD for today!


I certainly always enjoy seeing something with a Wildlife or Nature theme in this venue.

I feel I have a little bit of experience here and, can feel comfortable in making a comment!


Excellent depth of field to cover the little guys tail up over his back as is so typical. At the same time, the background has a nice blurring to it and really gives the shot some dimension in depth.

One can tell that some considerable preparation went into obtaining this shot. Otherwise, I doubt one could achieve the details that you have here.

His "hang ten" position as someone else commented adds to this healthy little critters demeanor! So does the snow in his whiskers!

The center composition works well, at least for me. My only quibble might be that dark speck in the snow which I find just a very little distracting.

I personally like the framing presentation as well!


Again, Congrats & Cheers,

Jim j. 

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Thank you, Jim!

The dark speck is a sunflower seed.  I had my camera set up for birds on a tripod and here comes this guy...for the seeds.

So...no birds in sight...shoot the squirrel:-)

I agree about the seed...it is a bit distracting.


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