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© Richard Armstrong

American Goldfinch


f5.6, 1/500 sec, iso 200, 400 mm


© Richard Armstrong

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Nice capture of bird. Consider using clone tool or content-aware fill to eliminate the distracting leaf in upper left.
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Jim and Tony...thanks for the comment and I agree with both of you.

I thought about taking the leaf out, but then decided that it made the shot look more "real".

I think that it is better with the leaf out.

Tony...as always, thanks for you time and attention to details!

Best regards!


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Richard, you, as the creator of this image, obviously, have the final say on what you wish to present to viewers. With a main subject and a background, I received old advice a few years ago about backgrounds: " If it does not add value (or detracts from the main subject) then subtract".   In my humble opinion the two elements on the left were 'borderline' re subtracting. The red branch on the left adds a certain symmetry and natural frame. I found its red/mauve color to be quite attractive, and in my case, my attention was being pulled over there. As a result, I lowered the saturation (don't do that with your wife) to make it less appealing or noticeable.


The leaf,  like a dangling participle is very acceptable these days but not popular with my English teacher. .



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Your comments made me smile...thanks!

I like the second branch as well, and the leaf...well, I guess I can take it or "leaf" it:-)

Have a good night, Tony!


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