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dovetailed cabin

a long time ago

quality never goes out of fashionthe newer portion of cabin, not dovetailed, had fallen by the waysidethe thing deserved better than i gave iti am not worthydidn't mean to be rude in the copyright sectioni'll show you were it's at if you ask

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There is no real quality to this photo. Lighting is poor for b&w and there is too much wasted space. It is flat.
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SORRY IN ADVANCE to anybody who reads this that doesn't deserve it...this posting isn't about the photo,it sucks,i know it( if you had paid attention to the posting text you would have known i know it),it's about a man with an axe in the wilderness of montana hand carving 10"x10" dove tails to assemble his cabin even though winter is on the way and his family will freeze to death if he doesn't get it done before snow falls, but he still does what it takes to make it a work of art that has already stood proudly for nearly a hundred years and will stand for a hundred more unless raped for the land it stands on. I didn't put it up to be stroked by strangers about my art.I put it up because the CABIN deserved to be seen by more people than the few odd locals that drive this out of the way 2 lane in bumfart montana(as was clearly stated in the tech.entry.)so in the future if you don't want an honest opinion about some piece of fluf......then don't ask for it.........please also notice that any time i say anything other than "very good".."great"..."f-in wonderfull colors" i also disclaim it with the fact that i am not freakin ansil adams and i could be wrong and please don't take this as a complaint on your art. i mearly say what i see to people who ..!..ASK..!.. specificaly for comment.If you ask for comment I assume it's because you have some question in your own mind that you want help with or other people's opinion on.if you just want stroked,show it too your mom .....i'm sure she thinks it lovely. Once again...sorry to everyone who just does this stuff because they like it, to those people i also say please feel free to comment on anything i post or to explain to me how i was wrong about what i said somewhere else, i welcome the exchange...and to the pompas buzz phrase spewing jerks that come to slam a few odd snap shots takin' by an aknowledged poor shooter....I think your flower was just lovely.
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