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© Marwan J. Salloum





© Marwan J. Salloum
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Sorry, but I find this shot uninteresting. What were you trying to show?

My eye sees 2 things. The womans backside and the woman in red.

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This photo doesnt do anything for me. I look at it and just see a womens rear end. I do not know what you are trying to show here, or the point you are trying to get across.
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I love it when people produce boring, uninspired voyeuristc shots of women (ususally from behind) and attempt to pass it off as street photography. Why not actually walk up to her and ask her if you can take a picture of her ass before you post a poor photograph of it on the internet without her knowledge? Good job man, good job. I see but one purpose for this photo...
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Mr. Self-righteous Thomas A.: With no disrespect intended to the many earnest photographers here, this site is replete with "boring, uninspired voyeuristic shots" - why should it matter that the subject matter here is (seemingly) a nice, firm, female ass? Many of those who post here seek constructive criticism so that they might improve upon their compositions. I happen to find the curves of that backside to be intriguing and erotic (is that wrong?). I also agree the photo is not "inspired". But it seems a very common mistake for a novice photographer to confuse the visceral response that they find looking through the lens with the response that will be achieved with the printed image. I really don't see any difference between this and taking a decent or even well-crafted photo of a very beautiful studio model or an exotic locale - the subject often does the "selling" with little help from the one behind the camera.


Also, why do you assume that the photographer does not know the model? Maybe he does. Regardless, however, the woman is in public and does not need to be "informed" that he is using his camera.

Finally, what is a photo without interpretation? Your response says much more to me about how you view woman than how he does(i.e., you choose to focus entirely on her ass rather than any other feature in the photo - for instance her arms akimbo, her bent knee, her flared pants, white outfit and sense of style... her contrast with the more formal dress of the others (including the woman in red)..) You chose to focus on her ass. We can only ASSUME that that was the intention of the photographer - maybe he was trying to capture some other element but failed entirely. When you critique, emphasize the ways the photograph might be improved or admit that you don't "get it", but refrain from trying to read the photographer's mind.

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Not that I don't appreciate the amateur psychoanalysis of my mindset while looking at the photo, but have you seen the rest of this portfolio? It's quite good. This image sticks out, to me, like a sore thumb. The composition and subject matter of the rest of his book is a complete 180 of this image. As for assuming the intentions of the photographer: of course we must assume. Without any sort of explanation or attempt to put the image in some sort of context, what can we do? I would love to hear what the photographer has to say about this. And for the legal lesson, thank you. I know that images made in public places need no consent, but isn't there a smidgin' of an ethical question here? Trust me, I'm not one to question other peoples view of what art is, and I have been blasted many times about my own work, but I post here knowing that not everyone will be jumping up and down with glee about my images.


P.S. The name calling was a nice touch, it speaks volumes...




Thomas A

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Thanks for all the comments first of all. I will try and answer all the questions that have popped up.I know the subject ,the lady in white , and she agreed to be photograped but asked me to only post photos not showing her face. I liked the shot because it showed her nice ass which looks quite erotic without being at all exposed, her hip outfit and demeanor in contrast to the others.
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ok, you shot her bum, BUT you also got her love of life expressed in the clothing she wears and her "pose." i suspect she is not intimidated by life. well done!



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