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Artist: Gregory Ferdinandsen;
Exposure Date: 2013:11:20 14:05:25;
Copyright: © 2013 Gregory A Ferdinandsen;
Make: Canon;
Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark III;
ExposureTime: 1/125 s;
FNumber: f/14;
ISOSpeedRatings: 320;
ExposureProgram: Aperture priority;
ExposureBiasValue: 0/1;
MeteringMode: Pattern;
Flash: Flash did not fire;
FocalLength: 24 mm;
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows);
ExifGpsLatitude: 33/1 270684/10000 0/1;
ExifGpsLatitudeRef: S;
ExifGpsLongitude: 70/1 389035/10000 0/1;
ExifGpsLongitudeRef: W;

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The building and the fountain are interesting but there are several distracting elements in this image.  Some couldn't be helped, but some could.

The first is the excessive foreground which is compounded by the lack of head space above the top of the building.

The second is that the time of day appears to be either late morning or early afternoon when the sun is almost at it's highest.  This time of day and the cloudless sky it give you a harsh light and almost no shadows which flattens your image.  If this were shot just after dawn or just before dusk it would have given everything in the image a lot more texture and dimension.

Third is that the fountain is off center.  It looks like you tried to get it near the center line between the lens and the buildings center, but since it isn't directly in front of the building it left you with the building facade not quite square to the focal plane and fountain just to right of center.  The result is that the viewer feels off balance.

If the building is your subject, shoot from the other side of the fountain or move way to one side so that the fountain is not overlapping the building.  If the fountain is the subject, get the building out from directly behind it.

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