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Sumac ll

D5100, 55-200mm @ 200mm, ISO 720, 1\400 @ f5.6 LM.

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Colours. light shapes and textures, this one seems to have it all!

Beautiful backlit shot. The subtle black frame works well too. 

I have never been a huge fan of frames but sometimes they really do add to an image. 


Nice work Len! 


Best Regards 





Good to have your take on this one. The back lighting was the element that drew me to this subject.  I like the way a frame contains a subject if only to avoid merging of photo and background, especially if they happen to be the same or very similar colour.  Obviously others' mileage will vary.  For me it's kind of like dotting an 'i' or crossing a 't':  Kind of puts a finishing touch to the effort.  Always nice to get a visit from you.  Best, LM.



A fine manifestation of nature's artistry, Len.



And we all hope to capture that in our photographs.  I consider the image a success if it does that for viewers.  Best, LM.



Len, I meant to comment on this image on my last visit here. To say I totally agree with Alf is an understatement, he said it better than I ever could. The only thing I can add is I also like the strong dark lines and the blurred green BG. A very delightful image to view. Take care.





'Better late than never' they say. :-)  Thanks for going the extra mile (oops, I mean kilometer, I'm in Canada, you know)  The diagonal lines here were planned, more or less but, being new to the camera and focusing system, I was pleasantly surprised at hitting the sweet spot in focusing on the sumac leaves.  I'd been having trouble selecting the right auto focus mode.  If left to it's default setting the camera would likely have focused on the leaves closest to the camera.  I think I've got it figured out now though.  Stay tuned to see it that's true.  :-)  Best, LM.



Your constructive comment\critique will be gratefully received. LM.

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