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© © David J. McCracken




© © David J. McCracken

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Nude and Erotic

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Hi David,

I love the concept of this. However for me, the tripod head throws off the symmetry of the rest of the image. The tripod head is (by design) off center, but also appears a bit askew horizontally and a bit "clunky" compared to the other fine and clean lines in the image.

Great idea though!


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There are aspects of this image that I don't like myself. Strangely, the tripod was not one of these things. You are correct. It will be interesting to see what others like or dislike about this. Hopefully others will comment. Thanks a lot.

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Looking at this I keep looking for symmetry because it’s so close to being symmetrical but it’s not. So that does bother me if that makes sense. The lighting being darker on her left side going back to that symmetrical thing and the little black spot on her left side bothers me as well. The concept and her beautiful figure I like a lot.

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I'll agree to a degree about the tri-pod. To me, it's not about being off centered or even bulky. Rather, it's about looking too "modern" for the camera that is mounted on it. This may not even be true, however, a large camera (to my mind) belongs on an older "looking", top mounted, no tilting, traditional tri-pod. (But I'm weird that way when it comes to aesthetics).


The two other nit-pics I have is that the lemon is not centered vertically in the lens opening. That sort of throws the balance of the image off for me. (just remember....I'm weird). The other is the view in the lens opening should be perfectly in focus. You could let the model and the rest of the image go soft, however, the lemon is the subject and should be sharp.


I do like the concept and believe there could truly be a fantastic image here somewhere...just not in this one. Do keep trying!

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I love this image. I think the symmetry is fine as is the balance, all things considered. For the number of things in this image, I think you did a hell of a good job. Iwould bet that if you found out the actual age of the camera and the tripod head I would guess they are about the same.

Part of the problem in viewing this image may be the color. That changes the weight of different parts of the image for me.

You might shave off a mere tad from the left side of the image and I think ypou will be spot on.



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David N, Your points make perfect sense. I have to be honest and say I am not quite sure where the spot on her left side crept in. I think it is an spurious mouse click when I was shrinking he image for upload. It certainly isn't on the original. I should pay more attention. Thanks a lot.


David W, I am a little worried that this looks like a lemon to you. Perhaps if it was in better focus you would see it was an orange. I do take your points as I do all the points made by others. I am humbled that you should write so much on something that is not so good. Thank you.


Mike, Well yes! At least the frame does. Thanks a lot.


Alberto, Perhaps not but it is kind of you to say so. Thanks.


Owen, I think, like most, you like the idea of the photo rather than the actual image. That is my feeling and it seems to be the feeling of most of the people who have commented on this. Thanks for your input.



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Seven all the way and I'm going right now to adjust my settings not see that stupid "possible...."


Best regards, David!



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I like this very much I do and the self referential nature of the camera and YES, the tripod. Nicely Done David!


The 'thing' I'm not sure of however is the hands and orange being flipped upside down. With a 6 x 6 the image is indeed reversed but not flipped vertically :=}


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Sadegh, Perhaps not so great but I thank you for saying so. 


Raymond, Thanks for taking the time. I am a little surprised at your comment however. Any 'subject' going through a lens gets flipped as you see here. Even the human eye flips what is seen in this way although the brain corrects it. I would urge you to try it for yourself if you don't believe me.

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David, on my workspace page there is a setting "cover nude images: disable/enable"! And I was saying that I'm going to click on "disable" in order not too see anymore that "possible nude content" on white instead of the photographs categorized as nudes!


Best regards



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Owen might have hit the point, the concept here is exceptional and fun. There is something not quite complete about the resulting photograph. This is not an easy one to make work but I suspect you have it in you to keep at it. I can't wait to see version 2!

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You are correct. This was shot many years ago with available light. I may well shoot it again in the future but have no immediate plans to do so. What I do like about this image is that it has attracted so many comments and yet the image is not so good. I do wish my 'good' images attracted so many comments. Thank you for taking the time. It is appreciated.

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Well YES David you are correct! Can you see me doing the wrong dance? I suppose what confused me is that I'm not used to looking directly through the lens in a medium format camera It of course would look like this in large format such as a 4 x 5. I'm used to seeing medium format through the viewfinder which of course is again flipped via the mirror, which you must have locked up here. In that manner the view is as I described it. Flipped left to right but not top to bottom.

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Hello! I agree with most of the above comment about the fact that this image could be enanched a little bit (which might not be?) Nevertheless is a powerfull and original image which grabbed immediatly my attention in a stunning portfolio, one of the best and more original picture you can find on the net. Complimenti!

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