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Balancing Act


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Fine Art

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I found these rocks balancing on the beach, and as I was composing,

a kid who had been playing nearby started to work on his own

sculpture. Due to the infrared process the shutter speed was a

slow 1/15th, shot handheld. Even though the leftmost rock is a

tiny bit cut off, does the picture still work for you?

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You've captured it all. Gravity defying rocks, destructive child, a disturbed sky, the big city, a choppy body of water, and all with a wonderful taste in color. Great job.
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It works for me. Even if it wasn't planned, the slightly blurred kid is an inspired touch. And I love (!) the bicycle in the background.


It might be nice if the leftmost rock had a little more space around it, but candidly, I didn't notice that it was out of the frame until you mentioned it. Good eye movement throughout.

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