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© © 2013, John Crosley/Crosley Trust, All rights reserved, No reproduction or other use without express prior written permission from copyright holder

'Nurse Nancy Now Delivers Your Stash'


Nikon D7000, Nikon 12-24, other info withheld very slight 'manipulation' if any at all.


© © 2013, John Crosley/Crosley Trust, All rights reserved, No reproduction or other use without express prior written permission from copyright holder

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Near Seattle, WA's downtown is a steep hill loaded with hospitals,

doctor's offices, and medical care providers, known somewhat

facetiously and locally as 'Pill Hill' (just ask any Seattleite and they

know where that is). The newest addition is 'Nurse Nancy' who with

a 'medical authorization' and some form of payment will deliver your

personal stash of 'medical marijuana' to your Seattle area quarter

under Washington's extremely liberal marijuana laws. (Washington

essentially has 'legalized' certain quantities of marijuana for 'personal

use' with rules to take effect next year and now is not prosecuting

casual users (smoking in the street or public is prohibited, but as the

cops say 'who cares, really? We got real criminals to catch.')

Welcome to Seattle, home of 'Nurse Nancy, who now gives

the 'Space Needle' a new meaning, and those guys who throw

salmon at the famous fish market. Your ratings, critiques and

observations are invited and most welcome. If you rate harshly, very

critically, or wish to make a comment, please share your

photographic knowledge to help improve my photography. Thanks!

Enjoy! john (I'll keep the photo posted a while so you don't have to

write down the number in case you're headed Seattle way!)

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Where was this photo taken?


On one of my strolls down a major thoroughfare in Seattle's famous Pill Hill, of course.


You can get everything from childbirth and pediatric care to hospice services and even an autopsy, so why not some 'medical marijuana'.  Their web site now says 'free delivery' with an $80 order, not $100 as the poster says, and free delivery for first time orders. 


Wow, I couldn't be more proud of my home town!






Nurse Nancy and 'free medical marijuana delivery' (minimum order required after first purchase).





John (Crosley)

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'Google.com had this indexed and a listing posted within five or six minutes after it was posted, I found out when I googled the image and my name.


Interesting, the world we live in now.


There are no secrets.


One day, walk down a street, take a photo while taking a break in going over 'old stuff being posted' then instantly it's Googled.


What we are finding with NSA data is that old data never dies, it just is stored away forever, with all the data crap in the universe in the new incarnation of data warehousing -- the New Age digital equivalent of the warehouse into which 'The Lost Ark of the Covenant' (all boxed up) was sent to be stored - a warehouse miles and miles long.


Except nowadays all the world's communication data, gained however surreptitiously or openly, is being kept 'just in case' and 'for our safety' or so we US citizens can reasonably assume.


We gotta protect our right to have Nurse Nancy safely deliver our stashes without fear, although the chances that someone will be listening in on that telephone call, illegally or not, or with a FISA court warrant (or not) appear to have grown exponentially in recent times.


Question:  With all the world's communications apparently being gathered by the US intelligence community, who's gonna listen to all that crap about recipes and who loves whom and who dissed whom and how Igor hates his stinking job and would tells his boss to F*** off, if he could but he can't since he's got a new kid on the way, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.


And of course, they're listening for special words like the one that begins with the letter 'b and ends with 'office of management and budget', but no self-respecting terrorist is going to be using such words, which can be recognized by even a stupid computer monitor, so who's going to decide which conversations to monitor, and which not, and so on and so on and so on.


Makes my head want to (well you know what).


Just saying . . . .


Without further comment.



I was flying 9-11 on a United jumbo jet and have great sympathies toward what might have been my fate had I chosen a different destination, so I can't be too critical; I don't have all the answers, and besides I'm too old to pretend I know everything, or perhaps anything at all.  (We were diverted on landing to Vancouver, B.C., and nobody told us anything, even after we landed - just 'Hi, we're in Canada at Vancouver, and something happened.  Those of you who have cell phones have already figured it out.  We're number one to land, but there's lots of planes coming in  behind us.  Ground staff will attempt to assist you.  (nothing more).


(those must have been some very scared pilots, because they KNEW what had happened, and we passengers didn't, as we did a lazy arc off Klamath Falls, Oregon and instead of landing in San Francisco over the San Francisco Bay Area, ended up following Vancouver's Frazier River to the Vancouver Airport, first of 28 foreign flights diverted because US air space was closed for the first time ever -- it never was even closed in WWII.


So, having had my life nearly on the line at one time, I will comment, but not cast too many aspersions.  I don't have the answers, and can only spot issues.


I like that Nurse Nancy is free to pursue her career goal after she writes 30 years of nursing and raising two adult sons, both of whom laud her service (on the website). 


What could be more Americana than Apple Pie, Home Cooking,  and home delivery stash?




John (Crosley)

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Yes, the times are a-changing.


Remember, this is 'medical marijuana, but rules to be in place next year legalize ALL small personal marijuana for private consumption, though not in public.


In the meantime, cops are left to actually chase criminals instead of going for the easy bust - which means almost any teenager they stop and frisk on any pretext at all, just to 'find' (aha) some marijuana, on which they can base an arrest or further investigation.


Seattle police have had a tough time lately with federal monitoring, so this is not some paranoid dream by some hyped up druggie I'm writing about . . . . sometimes there are real reasons for people to be paranoid, and they are not just based in mental disorder.


Unhappily, I'm profoundly allergic to marijuana, so I can't get near the stuff.  Rats!


It may have been a blessing.




John (Crosley)



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It's a fun photo. It looks like it could be in a John Waters film...The odd thing is that it's a real thing, not an imagined Hollywood scenario.


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Yes, it's a very fun photo.


I like the reference to John Waters -- I felt the surrealness myself when I took it.


Thanks for the fun reference and comment.  Sometimes that's what posting such photos is what being a member of Photo.net is all about (certain times at least).



John (Crosley)

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Gray and blue with a dash of green, a spot of red, in a sunny Seattle. Prohibition never works. Regulation can.

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The cost of incarcerating all those 'minor drug offeners' or even sending them to 'drug courts' (lesser level courts) is finally catching up with America, much based loosely on a myth that marijuana is somehow 'harmful', when in fact the idea of marijuana being 1/10th as harmful as alcohol is pretty ludicrous.


It's true that its overuse may destroy lives or potential, but alcohol kills liver and brain cells permanently; lives are ruined beyond redemption, but America's efforts to prohibit alcohol should have given it fair warning.


Alcohol, however, being available everywhere and having historic significance, was impossible to eradicate, and it took the rise of organized crime to prove the point.  Al Capone probably would have been a nobody if there had not been Prohibition.


Now we have organized crime in Central and South America with rival gangs shooting and killing each other by the tens of thousands plus ordinary citizens as well, for command of the lucrative 'drug trade' to the US and Europe through Central America/Mexico.


It's destroying the fragile democracy in Mexico.  Couldn't it have been handled in a different way?  Anti-drug fervor got the better of good sense and good planning, I fear, and it's becoming all too apparent as we count the value in lost lives spent in prison for 'drug offenses' that were mostly victimless (not excusing those with violence or victims, of course, which must have been prosecuted).


I'm frankly for 'Nurse Nancy's solution, though I do not partake and frankly do not much like the pungent aroma of MJ.


America seems to be coming to its senses after decades of wars and its 'War on Drugs and Druggies'.


In a way it's more the Libertarian ideal.




John (Crosley)





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I know you have all your marbles, so I know you won't mind that I point out your comment in relationship to the subject is a complete non sequitur, or at least it appears so to me.


Perhaps you were thinking and writing at warp speed and left out explaining a necessary step in your reasoning.




John (Crosley)

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You failed to read and take into account what obviously (to me at least) was sardonic and somewhat humorous.




John (Crosley)

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"extensive social programs which cost money."


Yes. And so do bombs. I'll put my money on social programs, thanks.

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Maybe what I'm talking about wasn't obvious. I'm talking about the bombs the US drops daily on foreign soil. They cost a lot of money. I'm happy we spend money on social services, which help people in need survive. I'm not so happy about the money we spend on bombs that are mostly a waste of time and money.


Regarding marijuana, we should all do a personal survey. How many parents have their kids and themselves stuck on all sorts of mood-altering prescription drugs? How much money is being spent on that, including the advertising and everything else that goes into it? And how much dependency and destruction is it actually causing? Then we'll talk about the so-called harms of pot, which are miniscule in comparison to what big pharma feeds us daily.




Sorry, John, don't mean to hijack your thread but I sense you'd never mind being the stimulus behind a little political and social thought.


Some might even think there's some religious and even biblical basis involved in social programs that help feed the poor. What a radical idea that would be!

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No hijacking involved.


A post like this invites rather free commentary with all sorts of social implications taken into account.


As a photo, it's an "OK" photo, but without cultural context, it hardly amounts to a hill of beans.  It's the social comment it represents and engenders that makes it more significant, and to that end, the commentary among myself, Meir and yourself (and others) helps show that the post is fulfilling its purpose.


If I ever get my back up about a post being hijacked, I doubt it would be anything to do with any comment of yours -- you have rather free rein here, because somehow you're always close enough to being 'on topic' just as I allow myself (which means rather far reaching) that it provides a forum for able thinkers and thoughtful comments.


Your comments invariably are thoughtful and well thought of here.  So don't sweat it.  You read my sentiments correctly.


Meir, however, sometimes wanders far off topic (or just posts non sequiturs) and has to be reined in, but that's my job, which I do, however reluctantly.


In general, so long as people are well behaved (which means almost everyone for the last five years), things are copacetic; have fun commenting here.


That's why I post such things as this which are guaranteed not to rate highly but still are 'interesting', and I sometimes can be very lighthearted in my own commentary (not always, but sometimes).




John (Crosley)

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"If you can feed them"


Meir, there is no them. I'm talking about us, together, a society.

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Frankly I'm not against 'mood altering' drugs and Big Pharma.


Such things have probably allowed me to live a healthful and more productive life without severe pain that I might otherwise have experienced.


I am against the vast POWER of Big Pharma and also against 'street drugs' because of the inherent dangers involved in ingesting the unknown where 'half the fun' is in the 'unknown' for aficionados.


I prefer the scientific method; Go with what works and discard that which doesn't.  


Work within the system, and if the system fails . . . . work from within to change it and don't risk years in a federal pen to make a 'statement' about supposed 'freedoms' which you may have but it will destroy the better part of your productive life trying to attain as so many have until we got a more agreeable president, attorney general and public attitude.


Ref.  the recent refusal to charge 'drug quantities' in charging documents in federal court papers and to withdraw those where they had been charged except in certain aggravated instances, with the goal to keep the prisons from getting more overcrowded with what should be seen as relatively minor offenses made major by mandatory sentencing laws.


The "throw the book at 'em" attitude and 'lock the door and swallow the key' mentality have resulted in huge loss of productivity, breakup of families, tremendous racial harm.   Remember blacks are prosecuted disproportionately and draconian drug sentencing laws were used to single out drugs preferred by blacks at one time e.g. 'crack' cocaine which was preferred by blacks as opposed to lesser penalties for equally dangerous 'powdered' cocaine preferred in the more white suburbs.


And so forth.


Things are a changing.


For the better.


Finally the pendulum (if you believe in such a thing) is swinging.


Bombs serves purpose, and even the nuclear bombs of WWII served a purpose which I will endorse . . . . look at the death toll of Okinawa (Japanese territory -- homeland), to understand the vast loss of life that would have occurred in door to door fighting 'to the last man' as the Japanese were prepared otherwise to do in a mainland invasion.


I hope that's the last time the nuclear bomb ever gets used, but alas, Iran appears about to get one, and one wonders about Obama's intentions which worries me, an Obama backer.


I want to keep Meir in Israel safe from annihilation by the Persians, and a projection of force against them seems the only way at present.  


The phrase a 'wolf in lamb's clothing' 'may easily describe the new Persian leadership until proven otherwise.


I doubt that stands for the sentiments of young Iranians, however, and if time passes, peace may yet come.


Pray God (whichever you believe in).




John (Crosley)

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Let's see: Nurse->NSA->spying->9-11->Canada->Central America->democracy->bombs/wars->Jesus!!-->Israel->Meir->Iran.

And I wager to more come.

Now I've forgotten what photo we are talking about.

Ah yes. Nurse Betty was a great movie.

All in good fun.

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