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Don't cross the border, birdy!

Pierre Dumas

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Pierre, I recognize the bird and the man from earlier photos. You have made a new composition and meaning. The subject is quite agressive, but the colors of the building are thank goodness! warm. Best regards, Marco

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Painting quality that belongs in a Cuban Museum, there if you cross the line they do what the man will do to the birdy! Great composition my friend. Warm regards.
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Dear Pierre,

There is so much to absorb in this! It is immediately engaging with the rich color, textures and or course the subjects. The way you use light in this image is striking as well...creating a "flat" sense to the two subjects while the background has so much depth and dimension.

This is certainly a most creative and original work. The bird is becoming something of an icon! Along those lines, check out a Louisiana painter named George Rodrigue and his blue dog. It has made him a lot of money. Best wishes for your bird friend doing the same for you!


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Even though the bird is looking away from the man with the rifle, it seems to me that the bird already has put him on notice that coming over the wall will cost him his eyes.  The man is just standing and watching, but the bird's eyes tell me that it is ready to spring into action immediately.

The sky is foreboding, and the texture of the walls of the house gives it a sinister appearance as well.  Very moody!!

Always a pleasure to learn from your eye, your craft, and your imagination . . .


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Gerolamo, you are genius! The eagle is on the flag of the enemy of the man with the rifle and it is also its emblem! Thank you very much for your discerning and keen comment!



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I always your Cuban Jorge and yes, you see the picture the Cuban way! The surreal maybe allows different interpretations according to the problems and experiences of the viewer! Thank you for reminding me of that!



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Wanghan, this idea comes from the pure and living reality, I really was in a war with rifle (AK-47) with those whose representative is the bird (eagle) here!



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Michael, you have a very, unbelievably keen eye although you are praising my eye in the second part of your comment! The situation in reality is exactly as you described it! It's a strategic and political observation of a real situation! You always prove again and again that you are the best commentator! Thank you for your visit and keen comment!



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Unfortunately you are not right Saad! The battle already happened and when the bird was loosing it, the big powers stood behind it and declared that it is a civil war where the man is loosing and that some agreement on his account must be done and it was made! Now, the bird is waiting for a moment for the next aggressive step! Thank you for your comment!




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Hi Pierre,

I knew that you were a soldier, and this image just proclaims that once again.

Defending the home land is something that many US citizens might be faced with in the future.

A fine presentation.

Best Regards my friend, Uncle Mike

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And I am the man with the rifle here, on this image, uncle Mike! As for defending of the homeland of the US forces, it's true, they even defend others, in this case they defended the vulture on the picture or those whom it represents! Thank you for your extra quick reciprocating of my comment!




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A FUN image my friend! Not sure if this is a hawk or an owl but I'm always happy when they come around our home as they keep the crows away that eat all our figs :=}


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Caro amico Pierre, questo confine da non attraversare mi fa pensare alla tragedia avvenuta pochi giorni fa nell' isola di Lampedusa qui da noi in Italia dove sono morte alcune centinaia di migranti clandestini nell'affondamento del barcone dove erano stati caricati per sfuggire alla morte nelle loro nazioni di origine. Non è facile abbattere i confini e fino ad allora ci sarà sempre qualcuno con un fucile a "difendere" quelle barriere che innanzitutto sono dentro di noi verso qualcuno che è..."diverso da noi". In realtà quei "diversi da noi" sono le nostre stesse "parti" che noi non accettiamo di noi stessi: parti sudice, povere, sofferenti, deboli. Ma noi, non vogliamo accettare di essere deboli, indifesi, sofferenti anche noi, nelle nostre corazze fatte di incomunicabilità, di automobili, (di apparente) benessere. Amico mio, grazie sempre per tutte le opportunità di riflessione che ci dai con le tue composizioni! Ciao, Maurizio...triste.

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Very thought provoking Pierre. To me it says the bird really does not care the man has a gun and the man realises the bird is not frightened of him and is considering what to do!

Great image my friend.

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Seems pretty hot in there with the hear shimmer... no wonder tempers are flaring... if the eagle is the bird specie: birds know no borders, borders are made by men

love the earthy colors

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