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Thinking Of My Son (can be enlarged)


Img_0617_24_12_2012 - Dig Alt - Canon Rebel T4i - Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS - Shutter Speed: 1/64th sec - F/stop: f/5 - Aperture: f/5 - Focal Length: 79mm - ISO Speed Ratings: 1600 - Exposure Program: Normal - Metering Mode: Evaluative - Flash Fired

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Your sincere words did not go unnoticed and I am sure they have helped with Jesse's positive progress as you will see in my UPDATE. Thank you Michael for your kind words and it has given me the opportunity to see your quite diverse Portfolio, I do hope to visit it again when I have more time to take a good look.

Sincere regards, Gail

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You have been there for me when my Mom was so sick Patsy, and here you are again, sending me your good thougths and prayers for my Jesse. I don't know what I would have done a few years ago without your emails and many prayers. (plse see my Update, things are looking much better!)

My sincere thanks, always for your friendship, ;-) Gail

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You are so kind to write and share your concern, I am truly appreciative. He is doing much better as of this morning when I talked to him (see Update plse) You are so kind to think of us, thank you Garry.

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Margo - your sincere wishes are much appreciated, I'm sure all the 'well wishes' have truly helped him. I know it has helped me - we never stop worrying about our children!

Chuck - Many thanks for your concern Chuck. It has been very painful and scary for him but when we visited yesterday he was feeling a bit better and was keeping a positive attitude that he would soon be coming home. Yes, it has been very difficult for me, but it was not long before I was so thankful that it was not something worse. So many have to face these stressful times, often ones worse, every day!

Ruud - Your kind thoughts are much appreciated. It is so good to hear from you and know you were thinking of us - it truly means a lot Ruud.

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Please thank Alice for me Larry, I do appreciate your kind words of concern. Both diseases are quite common but until you hear of someone who has either one, we don't think of them much. So far Holger said he has had Cellulitis and another member of PN wrote to tell me of his experience with it as well. It soon becomes a much smaller world when we share our 'fears' and friends write to share their experiences. I find it helps so much. I have met some very caring people on Pn over the years and am thankful that you and Alice are among them. Hopefully one day things will work out where we have the opportunity to meet. Jesse is a very 'organic' type of person, for loss of a better word. He loves to work in his Garden when he comes home from work, and has done a lot of work outside of construction and woodworking with landscaping as well. He is happiest when he is outdoors. For this image, these color tones seemed to work well and suit him. He and Jen rent this very old century old farmhouse. It is falling apart but he has made it a very welcoming place to visit. It is unfortunate that it will soon be bulldozed, one of the last farmhouses in the town he lives in. I will be happy when he is back home, doing all the things he loves to do.


My sincere thanks for you and Alice taking the time to share your concern. Hopefully the next time I write he will be back at work. He is a very hard worker. The day before this illness came on, he had worked a 16 hr. day. That is a long time to be in his Workboots. The Dr.'s have suggested socks that keep the feet dryer eg. Wikking socks, but I found some by Nike that should work even better. They suggest changing socks at Lunchtime. Seems it is a problem in many types of work where you have to wear Work Boots. I am sure he will be very 'careful' from now on, and hopefully others will become more aware of this problem.

My sincere thanks for sharing your concern, I do appreciate it very much, talk soon, Gail

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You and Betsy's good thoughts and prayers, along with those of many others, I am sure have helped Jesse. It was good to talk to Betsy on Sunday and I appreciate all the support of you both. You both know what it is like to worry about your children as well when things are not going well for them. Your good wishes and prayers have helped so much. While he is not totally out of the woods, he is now going in the right direction.

Thanks so much for your friendship and concern,


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Thank you for sharing your experience with Cellulitis with me. I really had not much knowledge of it before now. I am sure there are many who have experienced this illness and we just don't hear about it. I am encouraged by yours and all the concern for my son. I hope I never have to deal with it!! Being on the sidelines has been enough for me, at least for now!!! Your images always inspire me Holger, just as much as your kind words.

Hoping I have even better news soon, with much appreciation, Gail

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You have always shared such sincerity in both your words and images over the years that I have known you. You have a big heart and I have always been aware of that with emails we have shared and thoughts shared about our images. Yes, I do hope this Christmas Eve will be as Special and we will make 'warm and loving' memories that we will treasure. I am hoping to print this image out for Jess and Jen, for my daughter Shauna and all the grandchildren. I hope it will remind each one how much we need to stay close and care for each other while we are fortunate to gather together. We will always have days during the year that will test us. And it is during these times that we become stronger and learn just how important family is.

Bless you Radu, and give your lovely wife a hug from me, tell her it is from a 'friend' in Canada who is sure she is a 'wonderful teacher' to those pupils she loves!!!

with sincere appreciation for those wonderfully kind words you shared, Gail

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Apreciado Gail: lamentablemente no puedo escribirte en inglés; lo entiendo muy poco y sólo hablo español. Pero desde Venezuela me uniré a todos los amigos en oración para que tu hijo recobre la salud. Que la gracia de nuestro Señor Jesucristo sea sobre él, sobre ti y sobre toda la familia. Recibe mi aprecio, mi apoyo y un fuerte abrazo. Dios te bendiga.

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Gracias, while I do not speak your language I think I understand much of what you are saying. I am sure my son has had Someone taking care of him, Someone whom I trust so very much. My sincere thanks for your concern and Prayers, Gail

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As of this morning, Jen told me that Jesse will have another round of IV antibiotics, and they may let him go home. He will still have to go to a hospital near by for his other IV treatments. Then He will go back to this hospital to be seen by the Dr. on Friday. He may have to be on oral antibiotics for a few weeks after that. I have to call him yet to have a chat and see how he is feeling today.

Truly glad that everything seems to be going in the right direction. I still am very appreciative to all who have shown their concern. He's all grown up, but he will always be my 'sweet babe boy'!!!

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Hi Gail, I'm so glad to hear the good news of Jesse. You are right it doesn't matter how old our children are, they would be always our babies :) I guess this is the love all Moms have for their kids.

Dear friend, I love this pic and the colors and texture are great, one of these days I will work to get something like this; you truly are my inspiration.

Warmest regards,


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Thank you for visiting Luisa and for sharing your feelings about our children. Jess had his first IV at home today. A nurse came to the house to hook up the IV. She will come for the next 5 days at least. He told me his foot is looking a lot better but gets painful if he is on it too long. Thankfully he has not been taking any of the strong Pain Meds for a few days. He sees the Infectious Disease Dr. tomorrow. He is not sure if it is the new Antibiotic that has made such a marked difference or not, but things look good. He is happy to be at home. I will let you know how he does over the weekend.

;-) you will be mastering textures before you know it! Cheers for now, Gail

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Hi, Gail! You have a wonderful young man here! I am sorry he is going through all that, but he is young and strong and has a loving family - he will be fine! You take care of yourself, please. Warm hugs, Tamara
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Sincere thanks for those good wishes Richard. I have yet to speak with Jess this week. Last week he went to work for a few days and did find he was very tired and the foot was sore days end. This is to be expected of course. The main thing is that he wears 'wikking' socks and changes them at Lunch Time. I know he will not want to experience this ever again, especially the 'fear' that goes along with it. So many people wear work boots and would never think about the bacteria that exists - (even in our shoes). Jess is a hard worker and he will often 'push' himself knowing what is expected of him in a day. He is so fortunate the medical staff got the antibiotics into him when they did. This incident made me think of just how many people must wear work boots for long periods of time, just think of the many soldiers who have to keep them on for probably many days in such varied weather conditions.

I hope to speak to him over the weekend, I will let you know how he is doing.

Thanks for those good wishes Richard, I will pass them along to Jess.

;-) Gail

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Glad to read he's back on his feet and recovering well. A change of socks every few hours is advisable. I do it as a matter of course particularly when travelling.

I like this work with his positioning on the right. Its like... well, the blessed light shining down upon him...

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Sincere thanks for those lovely words re this image and for my son.  I am sure he is changing his socks regularly now! I do have to give him a call and see how this week went for him. Sincere thanks for those kind words Rajat.

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What an ordeal your son has been through!  And you, of course!  So glad to hear he's doing better.  I've been a little out of touch.  We were traveling in some pretty remote places during August and September, and had very spotty access to the Internet.  I'm just now getting back to checking in on Photo.net.  I've missed it!  Continued best wishes!

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You posted this image just as I was getting ready to leave for Florida, I am sorry I did not see it till now. I did see a few of your images just before I signed off the other day, I do hope to get over and have a better look at your trip!! Yes, Jess is doing much better. Sure makes one feel a bit more vulnerable! Many thanks for your kind words Christal.

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