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As John Peri said...an old newly rich Pierre!

Pierre Dumas

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows;

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I guess you are the guy on the image, and you look angry and dizzy. Looks like you've got unexpected wealth, and that it has been a shock. Wish it was me. Anyway - interesting and thought-provoking picture, as always.

Best regards Eystein

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Hey, Eystein, you commented before I managed to request critique! This is the way I look, not dizzy, not angry, that's my usual expression and maybe I even try to smile knowing it, but usually no use of that! Thank you for your thorough observation!



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i looked earlier this morning and there was nothing. still not first


i like it. intense. it segregates into two separate sides, though. did you mean it to do that? j

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a sizzling image with a piercing eye, the effect tempered by a smile i see lurking under those whiskers - or is it a smirk! 


the visual, of golden coins floating out of a Sony camera mounted on a tripod, is finely executed


it invites me to turn the page...

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Pierre, I wonder if the coints are going in or out the camera. The answer doesn't come from your face. Your arms show a trembling of tension. What will it be? Impressive image. Best regards my friend, Marco

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Hi Pierre,

This is certainly an original composition...very appealing! You give us much to think about. Most of us would probably associate an image with coins and cameras to reflect the outrageous expense of the pursuit of photography!! I don't think that is what you are going for here though :). 

Most intriguing and well done! Worth of return visits!


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Complimenti Pierre per la creatività espressa in questa composizione! Anche se la tua espressione .."not hungry, not dizzy" è (se posso osare) comunque inquietante!

Un caro saluto Sergio

P.S. spendide quelle monete!

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scary portrait, looks like if the body is under water ... actually that fits for the coins - I'm wondering why the camera is not.

Inspiring stories in your collages!

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Hi, Rajat! To turn the page? If that means what I think it does I may tell you I tried to turn the page but the pages were stuck up, ha!

Thanks for you witty comment, my friend!



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Marco, it was meant they go out of the camera, but it didn't happen so in the real life! Thanks for your nice comment, my friend!



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Timothy, I wrote above what it was meant to mean, so you can read my comments above! Alas, it only came up to happen the way you described, ha!

Thank you for your visit and comment, my friend!



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Ho detto fame, Sergio? Volevo dire arrabbiato, mio amico! Come ha detto Eystein! La mia faccia è davvero una tale espressione per tutto il tempo!

Grazie per la vostra visita e il commento!





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Maria, I really don't use cameras in my pictures. although I have a few in my collection of PSD files!

Thank you for your visit and your nice comment, Maria!



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Mio carissimo amico, ecco un'altra geniale "auto-composizione", carica di bravura e una profonda autoironia. Quella macchina fotografica che elargisce monete mi fa pensare ad una..."lampada di Aladino" che libera i suoi doni. Il riferimento a John, poi, mi piace moltissimo anche perché ognuno di noi è ricco di qualcosa, chi di donne e chi di..."GENIALITA'..."! Ciao, amico caro!!!

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Sì, il mio più caro amico! Tu e John di donne, e me di genialità! Ah, ah, ah! Grazie per il tuo commento saggio voi!


Pietro il ricco

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Well it seems that our friend Pierre found his magic bottle that keep producing wealth...and no genie this time, less worries then.  I wish you all the luck with it and share the wealth :)

Go on story teller and let us know what happens next...Cheers!

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Ruud, you said old? And rich? No, my friend, it's vice verse, I'm only twelve years old and poor as a church mouse! Thank you for your imaginative observation!



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Well said Panayotis! I'm suing the guys who owe me the money and the accused are prolonging the process finding myriads of objections! So our Courts of justice work, the accused is prolonging the process until the accuser dies!



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