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© Copyright of Ian Cameron

Fields Of Gold

ian cameron

Nairn, Highlands, ScotlandA billion buttercups in a field backlit by the setting sun glow enthusiastically, with my favourite copse of pine trees isolated on a small cnoc (hill) which fortuitously offers them prominence almost silhouetted against a glorious sky. The difficulty was avoiding lens flare, so I looked out my cleanest filter and waited until the sun became partially hidden by cloud yet still lit the field. The window of opportunity is seconds.Pentax 67 II, 90-180 zoom, Fujichrome Velvia0.75ND + 0.6ND Hard edged graduated filter f/16 at 1/8 Second.


© Copyright of Ian Cameron

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A field containing a billion backlit buttercups overlooked by a wee

copse of scots pine on a small cnoc (hill) Nairn, Highlands, Scotland.

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very nice colors and light...i get the sense that the film version was much better and somehow the digitizing may not have fully brought that out as compared to some of your other shots....that, or there's something off with my computer ...regards....David

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Thank you for your comment.  Please don't think I am in anyway put out by your comment - I am not, but I am curious to know what you are seeing on your screen that I am not.  It looks very close to my original transparency save for the sky which is just a touch redder.  The grass and flowers are spot on both in terms of contrast and hue.  Does it appear rough in anyway?  If anything I erred on the side of under sharpening.  Here is a link to a larger file.



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I may not have the practised eye of you and the first commenter, but this looks good to me. Very good.

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Hi Ian...it may be as you say that the image needs a little sharpening...some of your other images appear crisper as well...it may also be that the image starts to blur around the 2/3 point in the grass due to the dof options...in some of your other images, there is a blurring out (dof) from foreground to background and perhaps this is more noticeable with this image...maybe that's exactly what you were looking for though...i'm assuming you placed the pentax on a tripod...was it windy that day?...did you use a slow shutter speed?  i have a Mamiya 7II which I retired several years ago...there was a distinct difference between the medium format uploads (I have a Nikon 9000 scanner) vs. my digital equipment (Canon with L lenses)...the images appear crisper (detail is better) as well as sharper...with that being said, i've been having some problems with uploads lately as they look crisper in photoshop (CC)...again, maybe it's just my computer, i just had the logic board replaced...regards....David

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