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© Chris Blaszczyk



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© Chris Blaszczyk

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Chris, have you ever noticed that street photographs tend to attract more ratings without comments than almost any other genre on this website? I can't understand why so many people find PJ images so unapproachable, but they do. Is it because they don't adhere to clean rules of composition? Is it perhaps due to the fact that they can reveal our warts as often they can reveal the nice pretty things in life? I dunno but I've never seen more "mute activity" taken in response to anything on here than I do with street photography.


This is a very good image Chris. To me, its bittersweet. Here we have a man who seems of gentle disposition as suggested by the flower. The point of interest is why he's there. Is he taking the flowers home to his wife? Is he simply someone who like pretty things and has bought the flowers for his own enjoyment? In the same moment we see the rest of the world passing him by without notice, isolating him from the rest of the world. I particularly like how he's rendered so much more brightly than the people in the background, as if he's a beacon in the darkness. Hence the question of his object of desire. Is it a person to whom he intends to give the flowers, or is it a larger desire to bring a little beauty into the dark world surrounding him? A lot of unanswered questions, but questions that hold my interest and involve me in the image. A very significant piece of work, Chris. One to be quite proud of.

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By the way, how did you process the pushed T-Max? I have a couple of rolls of pushed T-Max sitting in my bathroom but I'm unsure how I want to develop them. I could use HC-110 or Ilford Microphen. What did you do?
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If I remember correctly I used ID76 and pushed it to 800, but developed as 1200. I usually add 1/3 of a stop. All it does is give it more contrast and less dfrinition. For my "Confidential" shots I used Delta 3200, shut as 8000 and developed as 12500 in Ilford's equivalent to HC110 (I think it's called ILFORD HC- It was a while ago. I have notes on that)
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...just to spoil the mood I will add that this man was actually selling flowers... but noone needs to know this. You show people what you want them to see- not neceserily what you see. :)
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