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© John Peri


John Peri


© John Peri

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Seeing it as one of John Peri photographs, I would conclude that a lady can look more sensual with clothes on. It is the expression, and attitude that matters more.

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Thank you friends, and Jatinder Keith, I do not think it is a matter of clothing. One can be fully dressed and look terrible, just as one can be undressed and look elegant and refined. 

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John there is absolutely no disagreement on what you say. When I wrote, “…can look more sensual with clothes on.” I did not mean certainly she will. You are implicitly in agreement that it is the expression and attitude that matters more. A good number of people, at least in the part of the world that I live in, believe that sex appeal and sensuality of women is inversely proportional to the size of their dress and many people look at nude pictures for sexual delight. My comment is aimed at them.

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Jatinder Keith, I fully sympathize with your comment, thank you. Indeed, too often one and the other that we speak of are confused. 

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The typical things that might bother me (like her hands cut off, brightest area not her face, bright thing in background) actually work well together in this image.  Successfully breaking rules can lift a composition to a higher level of artistic merit.  I saw her breast first, then her left arm leading to her face, on to the bright thing top left, down to her hair, back to breast and so on in circular fashion.  The soft and bright highlight on her shoulder and arm is not able by itself to extend the dynamic tonal range.  The bright thing in the background accomplishes this.  Use your fingers to block that out of the composition and see what happens to her hair.  The remaining tonal range becomes compressed and flat---the tonal quality of her blond hair needs something brighter than it is for a point of comparison and needs to be close enough, as it is here, so the eye is not drawn to an irrelevant part of the image where is would become a distraction.  High impact overall make this an entertaining image.  Nice job.

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