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Dawn Light on Otter Cliff

jeffrey moore

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Like I said, all constructive criticism and commentary is welcome, including yours. But please do not manipulate my photos without permisssion. This is a major pet peeve of mine. Cordially,
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I would not crop quite so much, rather just below the V shaped shadow on the right. I think that is the foundation for the next shadow (just above and to the left). This shadow leads one to the dark area in the middle, and finally to the cliffs. That way there are 2 ways to get there--the light rocks on the right and the dark shadows leading to the center. You get more depth by cropping just slightly.


I also think cropping slightly helps you get you on top of the rocks. Otherwise you have to climb the tall narrow one to begin your journey to the cliffs.

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Jeffrey, I'm very sorry I have annoyed you. Oh well, way to hell is still paved with good intentions. Cheers!
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Sam, Luis....I am not annoyed for Pete's sake. One of the reasons that I post photos on Photo.net is to hopefully become a better photographer by way of the commentary and constructive criticism of fellow photographers on Photo.net, many (most?) of whom are more talented than I. If I did not wish to get the criticism, positive or negative, I would not have posted and certainly would not have requested a critique of my photography. In fact, Sam, I happen to agree with your suggestion on the crop issue.


However, the manipulation--even a simple crop--of others work without permission is a wholly separate issue. And it is something that I dislike. I am certainly not the only participant on Photo.net who feels that way. Over the couple of years that I have been a member of Photo.net, I have seen literally dozens, if not hundreds, of similar requests "...to not mess with my photos, please." Moreover, if you want to get really technical about it, downloading ANYONE'S images from Photo.net without their permission is, I believe, a violation of the policies of this website. And unless you have some telekinetic powers of which I am unaware, you did download my photo in order to crop it, did you not?


You know, actually, I am annoyed. Criticize my photos, positive or negative. Slam the heck out of them if you wish, rate them all 1 and 2 if you like. But don't @#$% with my photos!



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Jeffrey, I think I agree with your reasoning. However, I was'nt aware this is such a very sensitive issue, as sometimes others also show their ideas about my photos by changing them, and I think an image tells more than a 1 000 words. I do not posses the facility to easily express my ideas/feelings in words when pictures are concerned. So, that's why this unfortunate incident has happened. My excuses again, and I'll keep your ideas in mind. Thanks.
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just a few moments ago Ive deleted my original verbal and pictorial comments. Stimulated by your strong comments about my stumbling on your rocky beach and, in doing so, damaging the rocks - hard headed people do things like that :-) - Ive been mulling over the concepts of downloading and copying.

I feel these are somewhat hazy concepts with regard to looking at photos on a computer that gets them thru the internet from another computer. When you see a picture on your monitor, your computer has already downloaded/copied that picture in the Temporary Internet Files on your computer. After the internet session is over, these TI files may remain on your computer, unless its set to delete them when finishing the session. So, in the first case youve downloaded it without permission of the owner.

I feel the spirit of the regulation, of not allowing downloading other photographers pictures, is that one should not put someones pictures in ones own files and then even show/use them somewhere else. Of course, thats an absolute no no.

However, if someone asks for a comment, I feel that a possible action taken during commenting could be playing around with the object one has to review in order to see what could be possible and what not. Thats exactly what I did. Immediately after that, I posted the result on your site, deleted the whole affair from my computers files, and thought it was over, as I considered it as sort of a workshop session with you.

Your B&W picture shows that not everything is either black or white. According to my photo edit program there are 256 different shades of grey. So, you might consider my ideas somewhere in a grey, perhaps hazy, zone.

In the meantime Ive had a look at your other B&W mountain pictures and I think they are marvellous. Regards.


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Sam, thanks for your feedback. You raise some interesting points regarding the whole "downloading without permission" issue, some points that, quite honestly, I had not thought of. I am aware that this idea of manipulating photos without permission within the context of critique is not a big deal with everyone. Although it is with some people; and I will admit that we may be a minority, maybe even a small minority. However,it is an issue with some, and I am one of them.


We can--respectfully--agree to disagree on this one.


One last point, Sam. Don't mistake my comments as hostility toward you; that was/is not my intention. If you perceived it as such, my apologies. I would hardly call this an "unfortunate incident." Lively discussion, I think, is more accurate.



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Jeffrey, no worries ! I have not perceived any hostility in your comments, just a strong opinion, and that's fine with me. I don't think I basically disagree with you. Thanks for sharing your insights - one is never too old to learn something. Regards.
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It appears that Sam Bal is no longer active on photo.net...

I stumbled across this thread/image (in that order) and have to admit that I f@#% around with other members' images on a regular basis. I have spent many hours in the PN Gallery, but you are the first photographer that I have come across, to have such strong views on downloading/editing other people's work.

I've only been told once, that it was not OK to do this and even then, it was done very politely. You have the option of making your feelings about this issue known on your Community Member page. A good chance to let everyone who comes across your portfolio, know where they stand....

A roundabout way of saying that I respect your opinion and I wouldn't change a thing in this one above.

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