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Crop and tone in PS. Polarizer , sepialight.

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I like the juxtopossition of the calm quiet water and powerfull, formiddable sky. The composition works well but after reading what has been already stated about it I am curious what the image would look like with dominance of the sky or dominamce of the water. You would probablu achieve quite different moods - any way a very interesting photo - one with the mistery hidden (unlike your previous one). Regards,



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Iam not sure is selling the soul will help :))But I guess the major role in the coloring played some cokin filter which when mixed with original water color gave this tone. i put in tech that it was sepialight ..but to but absolutely honest I will say that Iam not sure what it was ...I have them (filters) in a pouch without original labels and somtimes not sure what I use. It was rather like tring a few and when I like it then keept the one on. Some colors are improved by Nikon ROC system. PK.
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Thank you for your input. Of course you get a diffrent feel of this image. Not only I like the half way split but was going to crop it SQ. Finally I decided to leave it as it was originaly. There was somthing what I would have to change by shotinh this image again to get a good balanse for SQ image IMHO. Still aprociate your opinion. PK.
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Thanks . I guess you can try to cober some of the image to see what other options are. Is I was to do another version and shot it again ? May be ...SKY ...but that would make the boat small or even too small to notice. Water ...would made it so greenish, sky would seem an unnecesary element ...I guess that was what made me decide to have it in balance the way it is now. Surly there is still space to play as everyone have its own vision. All ideas weclome. Regards PK.
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Splitting the image in half does not bother me at all. In this case I believe it makes the picture.

Looks like a painting, nice photograph.

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An enjoyably tranquil image that almost works very well. It's a shame we don't see a traditional, unpainted wooden rowing boat with a curved hull. I don't much like that white boxy thing. A darker boat (or darker water) would have helped, but white-on-white is not ideal. A secondary focal point would also be helpful, since those specks in the water (ducks?) don't support the main subject or offer any balance to the composition. The bisecting horizon would pose less of a problem if it wasn't a neat, featureless band giving the impression of two separate frames of film. My main concern, however, is with the artificial colours (looks like a tobacco grad sky) and the unlikely lateral reversal of light intensity with the sky appearing significantly darker than the lake. Although this effect can occur under certain conditions, the effect here is too pronounced. Any emotion the beauty of this scene evokes is partly arrested by the heavy filtration, although enough gets through to soothe my weathered brow after a wearisome day in the office...
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Thak you Trevor. Well said.The darker points on the water are ...not sure ..dont remember .it could be birds. Iwas to clone the out .What may be not working with youidea of secondary focal point. The image I was to create was rather more speaking of simplicity. Personaly I like the boat with its whitish colors, but see what could be achibed with the one you are proposing. If I said that see no problem with the way how so strong contrast fight with each other it would not be complete true. It took me some time to stop seeing it as wrong or too dreamy . Still , I mostly ejnoy the creation over shoting if you see what Iam tring to say. The image has its unreal feel which was created on pourpose which will not please thoes who are strictly into natural shots. We may all see things diffrentaly but we all knwo how to enjoy them. All the best and thank you for your input. regards PK.
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The two worlds, calm placid lake Vs. Storm Clouds.


Great image. I don;t think I have ever seen this in real life. Lucky you!

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Very nice for a pasteup. I dont mean to be rude but I can't judge this as a photo . As a creative effort I give it very high marks, as a work of art, but as a photograph it's just too far away.
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