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Small Boy on Bike


Make: Epson;
Model: Perf3200 GT-9800;
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows;

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Ruud: Thank you.

Brother: I really don't know how to respond to your comment except to say that I agree with you. It is all but impossible to get helpful criticism on the Photo.net Critique Forum. I have stopped asking for and giving ratings and I am pretty close to being through with posting photos for critique as well. I have been a photographer since being trained by the US Military as a photojournalist in the late 1960's. I have always been secure in who I am as a photographer. Photo.net critique forum has done nothing but confuse that identity. I have not sold more photographs since participating in this forum, if anything I have sold less and participated in less exhibits. The bottom line is that the critique forum distracts me from creating photographic art that satisfies ME. If you notice I have been a member for over 10 years. I have only participated in the critique forum for the last year and a half. Photo.net is still one of the best places you can go to get and give advise in the technical forums. Thanks for your honesty and I completely understand your frustration.

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you understand my point, I see so many sites that have zero feedback on others work, or some people that post a comment that says, if you have the time please look at my new stuff.

This digital world has turn the art of photographic images, into some kind of megapixel waste land, when people have nothing to say at all that is frightening.

Somehow we need to move away from the digital dumping ground of millions of images, and go back to print for our product, I think showing this as a framed print would have more impact.

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I agree Brother. Looking at a print on a computer screen is not on the same planet as viewing a well presented framed print. From a sales point of view, my images can be difficult to sell to hang on someone's wall, because they are usually pretty intense. I believe I am going to start putting all that intensity and energy into a book of words and photographs. I have a good friend and excellent poet, that is working on putting words to some of my images as an experiment.

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The first critique has been deleted for lack of following the terms of use and multiple postings of the same comment. 

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