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Collage of Various Images created July 06, 2013

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This is a collage of various images. Top left image is a Photo I took

of an image of my daughter (my Dad took when she was 13), the

others are from various times and occasions. I have been thinking of

the many happy times I have enjoyed with my children and

Grandchildren. There are so many, that is why I feel truly blessed. I

always aspire to be Thankful for the many GOOD things in my life.

There are so many this evening that are feeling many emotions.

Among these are devastating sorrow, pain, emptiness, loneliness,

despair, fear, regret, hunger and even worse, ones who are so

young that they do not have the ability to even understand their

circumstances. No matter what may be going on in my life, there is

no excuse for me to feel anything other than THANKFUL and

BLESSED. (any visits are always appreciated, sincerely, Gail)

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Very nice integration of images here, Gail. The sepia toning gives this the feeling of sharp memories swimming to the surface of our minds but at the same time separates them from ordinary life; setting them against a limited color field works very well.
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Hi Gail,

This one is really hitting home for me! I suppose because I'm currently being blessed with the opportunity to spend much time with my younger daughter and my youngest Granddaughter of 22 months. What a joy! And what "precious moments" I'm getting to experience.

We, (The three of us) left my parent's home in Oklahoma about two weeks ago. Traveled to the Kansas City area and stayed with my older daughter, her husband and two daughters for a week. (one 3, the other 6) Then drove here to the younger daughter's home in Idaho. Her husband is active duty military and currently deployed to the middle east. Also, the younger daughter is expecting, . . . and my fourth Granddaughter will be here in September!

About your collage . . .

I like how it appears that your daughter in the upper left of the frame is viewing what appears to be a birthday celebration and blowing out the candle, . . all the while the two on the right lower corner of the frame are playing with and showing us their party favors!

Your collage displays some of those "precious moments" that we miss so often in the busy day to day routine of life!

Well done, . . . as usual!

Regards and admiration,

Jim j.


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Gail,of course we are present here most of all to share photos and ideas about this,but I must say that to me is also with so strong impact sometime what other write in a short prologue of there photos.I read twice what you wrote here(to my wife too)because I feel so closer to this and is what I think too,we must thanks all the time for life we received and try to do good  all round us to have this pleasure that makes the light in our soul.

This image has the essence of accomplishment and technique you used enhances the idea.Have a nice day.

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Beautiful, peaceful, smiles.  When I was looking at this I started hearing Photographs & Memories (Jim Croce) in my mind. Truly a keeper, thanks for this one.


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Hi Gail,

An outstanding presentation of the great family memories that mean so much to you and others

in your family.

Warmest Regards, Mike


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Hi Gail,

  Beautiful image with precious memories, one for the wall.  Your daughter should be so proud of this image.  A real treasure.  Take care, Patsy

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Thank you Eystein. We have so many moments in our minds that bring us joy, I was just surrounded by them. I have been copying images for my children from their childhoods, pics they have not seen in years. Lots of when they were just toddlers. I've been at it for about 2 weeks or so. Seems many nights I dreamt crazy dreams, and they were in them scattered everywhere. I had all the pics on my Dining Room table, and that was just like the 'dreams'. Many images I had not looked at in years. I figured it was time they had them to build their own albums.


Many thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and encourage my efforts. Sincere regards, Gail

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If you read what I wrote on Eysteins comment, you will understand better what this was all about. We were at my Son's for his 34th birthday June 13th. His Fiance and her daughter are there with Jesse. Eden had to be there to help blow out the candles, the pic on the right is of Shaelyn and Kael during the summer of 2006. They were 4 and 2 1/2 then. It is an image that Shauna really like. She enjoys going to where Jesse lives in this old farmhouse. Lots of land, the kids race wildly through the house and grounds with such freedom. They had a bonfire on our Canada Day, then went to see fireworks, Shauna said it was a wonderful time spent together. Thanks Patsy for always dropping by and for your thoughtfulness.

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Thank you Mike. There was a F/2.8 in there somewhere!!! Sincere appreciation for your comments, I know you understand how much these ones mean to me.

sincere regards, Gail

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You like Jim Croce too!!! Never be another like him, glad you had a few good memories yourself while viewing this image. I wanted the final image to appear like 'scattered' memories in the mind.

many thanks for dropping by, Gail

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It is good to hear when someone reads what is written. But it always is a personal preference as what I write may mean nothing to many. But you are a sensitive soul, and you bring this quality to your images all the time Radu. I am happy to hear you shared it with your wife. I know you feel blessed by so many things in your life, I am thankful also for you.

Sincere regards, Gail

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It sounds like a fantastic family road trip!!! I hope you take many images along the way. These moments cannot be recaptured as I'm sure you will know. What a wonderful opportunity for you. I am glad you 'connected' with this composition. I hope to see some images from your adventures with your family!!

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You expressed 'my intent' very well. It is often difficult to do a composition like this. Nice to hear you could understand my feelings. Thanks so much for dropping by.

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