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Abstract 10


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I personally think this one works better as an abstract with the top 20% cropped down; BUT I really liked the image with the elements at the top. I really couldn't decide. I'm interested in objective opinions.


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I guess it comes down to whether you are trying to produce an 'abstract' and feel you did something wrong, or whether you want to produce an interesting picture that goes beyond a specific genre.  Personally, I think this is the latter.  It's abstract enough that I like it, but it also has a bit of human interest. (scrolled the top bit off the screen and it just held less interest for me, personally.)

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Abstracts like this are unique enough that there are few rules one needs to apply...you could go either way...if you did crop the top portion you'd have an image that rests the eye better and may be seen as more graphically pleasing but in an abstract, that's not necessarily a good thing...my preference would be for the crop as it creates an interesting square...regards....David

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Thanks Devon and David for your input. The crop really does make this one a totally different photo. I think I'm gonna stay with it as posted, even though it's technically not so abstract that way.

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For me, the elements that attract and hold my attention are the textures, shapes, and details.  I can't tell whether the small items are pieces of sand on the ground or pieces of sand suspended in space.

Well done!!


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Guest Guest


I prefer it with the top 20% as that adds depth to the photo without changing the abstractness of it. My imagination has more room to wander in the current version you're showing and the flatness of your proposed crop would hold less interest for me. I like this. It's got design, shape, story (though not a literal one, of course) and even some intrigue or mystery. I don't necessarily feel the focusing adds much. 

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The way you've presented this I like. It reminds me of the Tin Can Beach of my youth. Just north of Huntington Beach, CA it was a beach strewn with many, many years worth of broken bottles, assorted debris and of course, rusty tin cans. One could 'free camp' there for as long as one wished and never be bothered. 'Free Camping' is now illegal in California, which is truly a sad thing. And Tin Can Beach... Now an enclave of high end homes with excavated canals for the boats of the wealthy. Somehow I liked it much better the way it was back then. I do not consider it progress to evict the people of lesser means to cater to the moneyed class. So it goes.....

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Funny how an image, sound, or scent can spark off memories and thoughts in our minds. Thanks for looking and commenting.

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Amy, I'm slowly discovering the pearls in your portfolio (as I see them of course, I have no pretention to pick the best). Really nice work!

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I am one of the last people who should be commenting on an abstract.  Nevertheless, this caught my eye and I have to agree with Devon and Fred that it should be left uncropped as you display it here.  Devon points out (and I agree) that the appearance of the pepper packet just might push this into an undefined category.  I think that is to your credit.  It adds an extra (human) dimension to this while still retaining a certain amount of abstract quality. 

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