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One of those moments when you look at a creature and realize how

beautiful they were created...


I manipulated this one a bit to give it a darker look and to bring

out the beauty of the fish's fins. (His name is Frank btw...more

useless knowledge.) :-)


Do you like the look of this? What is good/bad about it?


Thanks in advance, as always, as usual. :-P

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OK, nice try at an abstract but the super grainy soft effect does not work and the plant on the right competes too strongly with your subject. Composition is poor.
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I think its a little too soft...but i like the colors, the plant is a nice counterpoint to the fish...it took me a while to figure out what it was which is nice...
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it looks interesting but not sure about the darkening - gives it a menacing look and i get the feeling you were looking for an emphasis on the flow and attractivness of the fins - i enjoy the individuality of your work so am hesitant to suggest more - or mess with your creative flow - esp without seeing original or fully understanding your reason for darkening this.
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Keep up the good work. This is a substantial image. You have talent and it will grow if you don't get in the way of it. Choose your critics.


I will look in on your work and will get back to you via e-mail. I will be putting up a few more postings and then leaving the site. Feel free to e-mail me in the future to let me know how you are doing.


Best: Owen.

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I'd say it was a substantial picture too, if I knew what that meant Anyhow, I think by darkening the picture, you've effectively made the focus of the picture the blue and green colors in the photo - I think darkening most of the fish's body and head out is a good thing... but that is personal opinion - I think the inclusion of eyes and a head would just complicate a nice simple picture, highlighting the gorgeous fin colors. Two suggestions - the upper left corner has a shadow that might be from the filter? its seems a little out of place in this case - second, if you could possibly get it so the shadow of the head could be seen distinctly - I know I said the blackening of the face and body was effective in uncomplicating the photo, but if people knew that the fish was turning away from the camera, it might be a help a little... anyhow, I'd post a picture of my fighting fish, but he's kinda sad right now, traveling in a thermos across the US - when I get him settled down in Miami, I'll post a picture =)
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This one is wonderful, Laura. I like the oversaturation. It really helps to create a mysterious atmoshpere. I thought at first that I was looking at a flower, until I read your description. I feel that the compositon is really good. This one sweeps from left to right, and is very reastful on the eyes. Good job! Off to look at you other work now...
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I would call this an abstract because the subject isn't immediately identifiable (or maybe I'm slow; I thought it was an iris at first), and the main emphasis seems to be more on shapes and colors. Ain't that what an abstract photo is? Works for me, anyway.


I wasn't sure if I'd like the grain but it's growing on me. Love the faint texture in Frank's fin. Interesting gradient efect of light from upper right to lower left. My one picky point is the apparent vignetting in the upper left corner, or is that the bowl?


Out of curiosity, why are you using the UV filter? I see it in most of your shots. Unless it's coated, it's basically a clear lens cap and may be degrading your image quality, however slightly.

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Thats a lovely picture of your siamese fighting fish. Try framing up this shot again with the same lighting, but trying to get a little more of his head as he is turning. But this is a great shot otherwise!
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