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Crop and tone in PS. ND Grad.

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The boats in the foreground are wonderful, and the reflection in the water is nice, but the rest of the picture is not perfect. I feel there is too much exposure difference between the central boat and the sky and it looks unnatural. I think you overused the ND grad filter. Moreover, the overall color of the picture is a bit strange. I guess you deliberately toned it in Photoshop to create some special mood, but I'm not sure I like it. Nevertheless, this picture is eye-catching.
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You are totally right. This image has been shot to create such look and effect. Use of ND grad was fully planned so the mood as above is achived. Exposure "diffrence" is one of the essencial keys in this pictures which helped to create such a light. Could it work without such a strong ND filtration? Surly ! However I decided to go as far because reality wasnt the aim but more of dram-like and sureal image. Colors and tone started with media choice and 81 EF mounted in the fron of the lens. Top part and its darkening that is of course caused by th ND Grad. PS was used to gain more color simplicity. This explanation is not to try to make you like this image but to show more of the tech. of it.I fully apriciate your comment.Thank you for your input. PK.
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You've shown some interesting colors resulting from the ND filtering -- I quite like the darkening as you go towards the top. It emphasises (through contrast) the warm, calm mood created from the still water and cloud reflections near the bottom of the photo. Nicely composed too!
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It matters little as to whether filtration was used as colours are subjective. The test for me is would I hang this picture on my wall and the answer would be yes.

Thank you for taking the time and having the patience to display your picture.

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Yes its a very green photo, almost has a colour cast. The third boat is slightly cropped out, which is actually quite distracting. A good photo at a glance, but once you really look at it, it starts to lose its appeal.
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I, too, was wondering about the truncation of the leftmost boat. But I decided in favor of how you have it cropped. It gently leads the progression of boats out of the frame. The colors are unreal but also great; I think the word is fantastic! Nice photograph. Regards.
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Many questions are out there ...I always fight with myself when it comes to being conventional. As ppointed out the third boat is croped out and it is in a large amount . But ...dose it realy bother you ? Do you really need all boat in the frame fully visable or our brain is playing the trick and when having 3 nearly complete elements can creat a virtual picture of the missing parts. What more , it may even fell completely natural to frame it so tight ..or may be not ?
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Well spoted. It is my omition. The shot was taken on my holiday in Lublin - Poland. I am sorry for being misleading..
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beautiful work and great colors. I might suggest the crop (around the boats) in another way, but this would be just personal opinion.
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Superb. The cropping that others have mentioned is nonsense. Why do objects need to be complete in the image when they are completed in our minds?


The color of the water bothers me a bit, but the image as a whole is just .... Superb.


Cheers, Alan.

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You have got a point. The color. Very warm. Too warm? I enjoy it . But no question see what you are saying. If it was to be real it would fail .But it was not the aim to stay as reality is. More dream like effect was to be achived.
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I Love this Piotr, My first thought was that I wanted this to hang on my wall. Its beautiful. I agree that it maybe a little too green. However I don't think you need to see all three boats in full, not having the last one in full made me pay much more attention to the rest of the picture, otherwise it would be all about the boats. Love it, great work. olvia x
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Overall a very nice photo, evokes a very peaceful feeling!


The fact that the boat on the left is partially cropped is a little distracting. I do like the contrast of sharpnesses between the boat and the water, it lends a somewhat surreal atmosphere to the photo. The use of the ND is a little much in my opinion, the sky is darkened a little unnaturally.

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I really enjoy this picture, but it is a little blurry on the left side... that really bothers me and is detrimental to an amazing picture.
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