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Desert Sunset Call

Pierre Dumas

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows;

From the category:

Fine Art

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Hmmm...Pierre, sorry to interrupt but the phone is not working, they sent me to inform you that the last Camel is leaving for the nearest oasis...what?!! you don't speak bird's language!!!...&^&%^6%$@$%!!!

Love your ideas and creations my friend, they tell stories to me and that needs talent which you obviously have.  Yassou Petraki!!! :))))))))

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Pierre, masterfully done. I like that everything pulls you into the center of the shot - the sun, cocked owl head, phone and brightness in the center. I also like all the earth tones.

Maybe on your next version you can make the phone hand piece vibrate as it rings.

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Hi Dave, long time no see! About the vibrating, it's easy thing to do! Thank you for your kind comment!



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That bird seems to be both perplexed and perturbed at the same time! Love the colors and the insertion of bit of noisy technology into the tranquility of the dessert sunrise - or sunset. This photo made me smile and think at the same time. Well done.... as always!

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Thank you Sandra!


I was just observing noisiness on my skies all over the Internet, I don't know why skies are always more noisy than the rest cause I only a little expand that layer if I sometimes do!






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What caught my eye in this image was the shadows cast by the phone and the sun's position in the sky.  The muted colors also help to create a mood of mystery.

If finally dawned on me.  Back in the day, birds were used to transmit messages.  Perhaps this chap is trying to express anger over technology putting his comrades out of work.

My best always,


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Thank you Michael!


I have another one of this series which is with pigeon and will suit your interpretation much better! This one has only doubts if the imaginable call is for him or someone else!






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Nepresušni izvor ideja i kreacija. Izvanredna prezentacija sa uvek prisutnom porukom. Excellent work, clarity and colors. Bravo Pero!

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I suppose you did my portrait because I have a mirror near me and there's no difference.

Brilliant !

Can you print it (a post stamp size eventually) sign it and snail mail post it to me ? 

Perfect !

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I knew you must be looking like an old fashioned phone mon tres sher ami! I don't print and since you're satisfied with post stamp size you may click on print or if you have no printer attached to your system Ctrl + Pause/Break and give it to have it printed somewhere in your desert!



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but I don't have the Artist's signature. So it's worthless...

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....and just one call changes everything...

Has anything to do with your "five pesos" corresondence with Florin?

All the best!!!

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Welcome Nebojsa, thanks for coming! No, this is another business!


Mon tres cher ami, if you click on save image as...you will get so small image so that it won't be visible that there is no artist's signature!



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just print it, sign it an send it to me.

No glossy paper, matte.

Payment at the destination is a post facility :)

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I have same first impact as John said above,the bird look that is eyes catching and after this just see the rest of composition and think to artist idea for this,compliments Pierre.

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart Jamie!

It is the same shadow you critiqued on the latest one, same position of the sun, same texture...I only removed the sparrow and put the horseman and made him a shadow! How about that?



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