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Cloud Ships


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Actually, lenticular clouds that form in the lee of mountain ranges tend to remain more or less stationary, forming on one end as the air rises to the altitude where its temperature drops to the dewpoint, and dissolving on the other end as the air descends to where the air's temperature is above the dewpoint. That is, the air with its moisture moves through the cloud, but the cloud itself stays in place.


I meant to say, I like the picture!

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The cloud structure and color are catching!

But don't over look the rest of the picture. The contrasting mountains are interesting. The road at the bottom right of the shot is placed well - and tends to catch the eye.

The bottom of the shot, though, tends to feel tilted. That is the nature of the dark hills. Perhaps cropping out the mountains would draw more attention to the clouds. Just a thought.

Great Shot!

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Despite the scientific explanation from some critics I think its a highly original, well shot skyscape. Very rare that you come a skyscape that is so well lit and clouds with such personality unt definition. Most excellent!
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Just a suggestion. It might have worked well to isolate just the clouds on the left. So...vertical orientation, road a little more centered and leading into the mountains, only lit mountains showing. Great shot though.
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When I first saw your photo, I thought of Nevada. I lived in Reno for a year and really enjoyed this "ships in the sky" sailing in formation day after day. Part of God's beautiful creation to enjoy! Thank you for your picture! It brings back some memories!
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whoo... a tad oversharpened for my taste (i would rather selectively increase contrast or set the unsharp mask to high radius and low percentage), but i like the composition...

and the cloud formations are incredible...

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Funnily enough, the road grabs my attention, but the clouds are pretty impressive...nice shot!
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