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The retaliatory comment, you had to have...

The multiplying effect of the bottom windows is fun to look at, but at the same time the perspective reminds me of the introduction of the classic Star Wars movies, where the text would be scrolling towards us and get smaller as we look towards the top of the movie screen. I took note of your minor crop, for does indeed appear that you have framed this very carefully. The pattern is disrupted on the RH side by a different looking (open?) window and the reflection of tree foliage in the others.

What remains is the location. I can see this comes from Leiden and is clearly not Maastricht. How come, then, that these red bricks are so popular in Holland? Any chance they might have been in the aanbieding? ;-)

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Thanks, Peter, I can deal with this kind of retaliation. A Dutch living in Delft, do they get thicker skins? ;)


Funny you should mention the cropping. Fact is, I had to, but unvoluntarily. Since the lab decided to do away with my original careful in-camera cropping, which included all windows entirely along a nice straight vertical... Don't believe what they say about the great benefits of a near 100% (I believe it's 98%) viewfinder coverage... Lies. Sordid lies :(


Star wars? Haha! Did you notice that the facade seems to curve outwards? Great thing that barrel distortion!


Thanks for visiting. Cheers,

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Buiten is het 5 graden, binnen zit Jeroen Wesdorp!

I seriously thought about responding to you in the PT format, but nobody would be able to "get it" apart from yourself...

Have most certainly taken notice of your reply on this image, but have been too lazy to acknowledge your response.

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Unfortunately, I'm familiar with that problem, Pete... Thanks for coming back!


Overigens is het nu gelukkig 24 graden. Lang leve het broeikaseffect (of zoals een bevriende biologe me gisteren vertelde, gewoon een veel warmere maar statistisch gezien niet abnormale zomer)! Maar het haalt het vast niet bij Tasmanie, waar ik toch echt een keer moet gaan kijken.

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Interesting that you should mention this because I've recently come up with issues with my viewfinder. Problem is, I know it too well. After cafeful compositions I get exactly what I want. What ends up happening is that I suddenly have no mounting room and/or no way to fill 8x10 requests. Somehow people think they are being cheated if you make it 6.5" x 9.75".

Mine is 95% so I do get surprises from time to time. Especially with my wide angle lens.

As for the shot itself, the open window makes it. That's what caught my interest. But I really dislike the green foliage. Me wonders if B&W would balance the tones enough so my eye doesn't keep going to the green.

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Here's what I'm talking about Jeroen. I composed this so perfectly that I had no where to crop for 8x10. (Stupid US sizes). I printed it on an 8x10 sheet at around 6.5 x 9.75. BUT I just found out that Ilford has European sizes. I've ordered some 9.44 x 12" sheets. That solves my full-frame problem AND I have extra border on the sheet to use for mounting without risk of damaging any of the print's exposed emulsion. :)

Then again, on 8x10 it makes a very very interesting border. :) I'm undecided, I may use 11 x 14 and print at 9 x 13.5 instead. Too many choices. Can't think. Must go. :)

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