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© Richard Armstrong

Teaspoon Creek


f10, 1/40 sec, iso 200, 35 mm


© Richard Armstrong

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Richard,  This is an excellent simple image with great reflections and a nice curving line.  The grasses warm up the image well.  I like the detail and sharpness on the ice at the edge of the water. You take advantage of excellent light quite well here.  Best to you.  Larry

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Thank you!  This is a small creek close to my home with a golf course in the background that I have been photographing for about 4 years now.  I was there yesterday morning with the Sigma 10-20 to see if I could catch a nice shot as the sun rose...too much overcast yesterday.

I'm glad that you like this one and appreciate the kind comments.  One of the great joys of photography is seeing these scenes around us and being able to capture the simple beauty for others to share.

Best regards!


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